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First Page True Stories

Truth really can be stranger than fiction.

First Page - Now launched! All the stories are true, or based on real events. Unlimited reading for $4.99 / month. No downloads. Read on your phone, tablet or computer.

La verdad puede ser más extraña que la ficción.

First Page - ¡Ya está en marcha! Todas las historias son verídicas, o están basadas en hechos reales. Lectura ilimitada por $4.99 / mes. No hay que descargar nada. Lea en su teléfono, tableta u ordenador.

Manna Minutes Christian Podcast

Manna Minutes Podcast: Eye-opening Bible study in less than five minutes! Access all episodes here.

Podcast cristiano Manna Minutes

El podcast Manna Minutes: ¡Estudio bíblico que nos hace abrir los ojos en menos de cinco minutos! Acceda a todos los episodios aquí.

Manna Minutes Christian Podcast

Manna Minutes Podcast Auf Deutsch: Augenöffnendes Bibelstudium in weniger als fünf Minuten! Alle Episoden finden Sie hier.

Is The Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate Of God? Or Is It Evil?

Did you know the Word of God (the Christian Bible) speaks directly against what governments are doing with Covid-19 vaccine mandates? Get the facts here

¿Viene de Dios el mandato de vacuna contra el Covid-19? O ¿acaso es malo?

¿Sabía que la Palabra de Dios (la Biblia cristiana) condena de manera directa lo que los gobiernos están haciendo a través de los mandatos de vacuna contra el Covid-19? Obtenga los hechos aquí.


The Third Man by Angela Sheffield

Was There A Curse On Helen's Romantic Life?

The Third Man by Angela Sheffield is based on a true story. Read chapter one now!

Should A Christian Practice Yoga Or Pilates? The Shocking Truth

Perhaps you practice yoga for health reasons, or to reduce stress. But, do you really know the diabolical goal of any form or style of yoga, including pilates? Get your answers here

La verdad espeluznante sobre el yoga revelada por la Biblia cristiana

Quizás practiques yoga por motivos de salud o para reducir el estrés. Pero, ¿realmente conoces el objetivo diabólico de cualquier forma o estilo de yoga, incluido el pilates? Obten tus respuestas aquí.

Communicating With The Dead: Learn The Shocking Truth

The spirit you think is mom, dad, or some other loved one from beyond the grave is NOT your loved one. But, what about the "proof" that the living can indeed talk to the dead? Let God's Word open your eyes to a deception that is pure evil. Read Spirits Of The Deceased

Comunicarse con los muertos: La impactante verdad

El espíritu que parece ser tu madre, padre o algún otro ser querido tuyo desde el más allá NO es tu ser querido. Pero, ¿qué hay de "la prueba" de que los vivos pueden comunicarse con los muertos? Permite que la Palabra de Dios te abra los ojos para que veas el engaño que es de la maldad pura. Te invitamos a leer ¿Están los muertos entre los vivos?

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Capital Punishment Is Sanctioned By The Bible

Christians and believers in the Bible, the Word of God calls for the death penalty for first degree murder, rape, and other acts of violence. The Bible tells us to behold the goodness AND the severity of God whose Word--including in the New Testament--does NOT speak against capital punishment Read the scriptural proof now.

La Biblia sanciona la pena capital

Cristianos y creyentes en la Biblia, la Palabra de Dios pide la pena de muerte para el asesinato en primer grado, la violación y otros actos de violencia. La Biblia nos dice que contemplemos la bondad Y la severidad de Dios, cuya Palabra -incluso en el Nuevo Testamento- NO habla en contra de la pena capital. Lea ahora la prueba bíblica.

traducciones inglés español

Teofila Gottfried book

¿Qué tiene que ver conmigo? por Teófila Gottfried

Lo que leemos en la Biblia tiene que ver con todos los seres humanos, sean cristianos o judíos, ateos o agnósticos, budistas, musulmanes o adherentes a alguna de las filosofías o nuevas religiones que surgen en el mundo. ¿Por qué? Ver mayor información sobre este interesante libro.

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Content In: Christian Answers for Hard Questions


Is Satan Male or Female? Are There Female Devils and Angels?

There are reasons why some people ask whether Satan is male or female. They ask if there are female demons, devils and angels. Why? Because goddesses seem to be female spirits. Read more


Are Some People Born Without A Conscience? What Does The Christian Bible Say?

Is it possible to be born a pathological criminal, or demented? To be born insane? Many psychologists and psychiatrists say some people indeed were born without a conscience. Therefore, according to criminal psychopathology, wouldn't it be unfair to hold them responsible for their actions even if they commit heinous acts? One thing for sure is that we would do well to learn what the Judge who will judge all of us says about the matter. We are going to discover what the Christian Bible says on the question of whether some are born without a conscience. Read more


Bible Proverbs on Parenting: Train up a Child

Bible proverbs on parenting usually are of great interest to Christian parents, regardless of the ages of their children. There is a proverb that says to train up a child in the way that he should go and when he is old he won't depart from it. However, the real life experiences of many Christian parents force them to admit that this biblical counsel just does not appear to be reliable. What is wrong? Read more


Should Elderly Criminals Ever Be Executed For Capital Crimes? What Does The Bible Say?

While the death penalty, for the most part, is a sentence passed only for adults are not elderly, should we ever execute the elderly who have committed capital crimes such as first degree murder, rape and kidnapping? How does the Christian Bible answer this question? Read more


When Was Satan Kicked out of Heaven?

The teaching that Satan and Lucifer are two different beings is circulating the Internet--and confusing, and deceiving many. One of the arguments used to support this teaching is the question of when Satan was kicked out of heaven. We read that Satan fell like lightning. Lucifer is said to have been kicked out of heaven in the fourteenth chapter of Isaiah, yet it is said that in the second chapter of Job, we see him in heaven. Therefore, it seems logical that Satan and Lucifer cannot be the same being. But, they are. How does the Christian Bible prove this? Read more


Free Will and Evil

The delicate connection between free will and evil, according to the Christian Bible, is learned in the article, What Is The Origin of Evil According To The Christian Bible? Two important and legitimate questions relating to the origin of evil are raised at the end of that read. They are: Why didn't God destroy Satan? and Will the existence of free will leave the door open for the return of evil even in the new Earth? Read more


Can The Mind Be Cursed by Witchcraft Causing Thoughts To Lead To Physical Death?

The Christian Bible answers this important question about whether thoughts can be cursed by witchcraft, and actually cause physical death. The dark art of bewitching the mind of another person to cause their own thoughts to kill them is nothing new. Get the biblical answer to this puzzling and disturbing question. Read more


The Stoning of Achan's Children: Questioning the Fairness of God

You are not alone if you have questionned the fairness of God after reading about the stoning of Achan's sons and daughters in the book of Joshua after Israel lost the first battle of Ai. Achan took from what the Bible calls the accursed thing, bringing a curse upon all the camp of Israel. He is later discovered, and stoned. However, he is not the only one stoned. Israel also stones his sons and his daughters. They did not take cursed items. Why then were they stoned? Get answers to this, and other hard questions about God, the Bible and life. Read more


Should Juveniles Ever Be Executed For Capital Crimes? What Does The Christian Bible Say?

While the death penalty, for the most part, is a sentence passed only for adults, should we ever execute juveniles who commit capital crimes such as first degree murder, rape and kidnapping? How does the Christian Bible answer this question? Read more


Should Elderly Criminals Ever Be Executed For Capital Crimes? What Does The Bible Say?

While the death penalty, for the most part, is a sentence passed only for adults are not elderly, should we ever execute the elderly who have committed capital crimes such as first degree murder, rape and kidnapping? How does the Christian Bible answer this question? Read more


Are Some People Born Without A Conscience? What Does The Christian Bible Say?

Is it possible to be born a pathological criminal, or demented? To be born insane? Many psychologists and psychiatrists say some people indeed were born without a conscience. Therefore, according to criminal psychopathology, wouldn't it be unfair to hold them responsible for their actions even if they commit heinous acts? One thing for sure is that we would do well to learn what the Judge who will judge all of us says about the matter. We are going to discover what the Christian Bible says on the question of whether some are born without a conscience. Read more


Christian Marriage Counseling: The Bible on Domestic Abuse

The true story of a young battered wife is a prime example of the violence and ugliness that those of you who are considering going into Christian marriage counseling might face...if you do not shy away from the real world. The Christian Bible on domestic violence is an invaluable source of wisdom when seeking answers to questions and the international dilemma of men who beat their wives. Read more


Biblical Myths and Fables: Are They Really Just Fantasy?

The Christian Bible is under attack by many who say that many of the accounts of what took place in ancient times are in reality nothing but myths and fables. How could there have been a talking serpent in the garden of Eden? Can we even prove that such a paradise even existed? The word of God mentions the existence of dragons. But, are they anything more than mythical creatures? Get answers to these and more questions about the amazing stories of the Bible. Read more


Why Didn't God Destroy Satan?

Many people, including Christians, have pondered this question that is understandably considered one of the very hard questions about God. Why did God not destroy the Devil? Does biblical scripture provide any answer to this questions? Yes, it does. Read more


Should Juveniles Ever Be Executed For Capital Crimes? What Does The Christian Bible Say?

While the death penalty, for the most part, is a sentence passed only for adults, should we ever execute juveniles who commit capital crimes such as first degree murder, rape and kidnapping? How does the Christian Bible answer this question? Read more


A Christian Response To Curses Through Witchcraft

A Christian leader once warned people who tried to place a curse through witchcraft on him that their curses would be returned to them, because he was protected by God. Is he correct about curses being returned to their senders? Does the Bible say curses vanish? Does the Bible say curses must land on someone? What does the Bible tell the Christian to do if he has been cursed through witchcraft? Get your answers to these important questions here and in our Manna Minutes podcast. Read more


A Christian Perspective On Déjà Vu As Evidence of Reincarnation

Learn the simple truth about déjà vu. Many offer mystical explanations for déjà vu, calling it proof of reincarnation and past lives. However, if you honestly believe the Holy Bible is the Word of God, we invite you to consider a Christian perspective on déjà vu that is eye-opening and based on biblical Scripture. Read more


Think The Bible Is A Collection Of Fairy Tales? Read This!

How could Jonah have lived three days in the belly of a fish? And do we really believe the sun stood still and the moon stayed according to the account in Joshua? And what about the pillar of fire in Exodus in which God showed Israel the way by night? These stories and miracles of the Holy Bible sound unbelievable. In fact, they sound like they are a collection of fairy tales containing no truth. Or do they? Get your answers to these legitimate questions about the Holy Christian Bible. Read more


The Stoning of Achan's Children: Questioning the Fairness of God

You are not alone if you have questionned the fairness of God after reading about the stoning of Achan's sons and daughters in the book of Joshua after Israel lost the first battle of Ai. Achan took from what the Bible calls the accursed thing, bringing a curse upon all the camp of Israel. He is later discovered, and stoned. However, he is not the only one stoned. Israel also stones his sons and his daughters. They did not take cursed items. Why then were they stoned? Get answers to this, and other hard questions about God, the Bible and life. Read more


As A Christian, How Can I Help The Helpless?

Many who do not even claim to be Christian are appalled when they hear stories of horrific child or animal abuse, and torture of adults. How much more should the believer in Jesus ask: As a Christian, how can I help the helpless. Let us delve into the Scriptures of the Holy Bible to see how they guide us into Christian help for real life problems. Read more


A Talking Serpent in the Garden of Eden?

Was there really a talking serpent in the garden of Eden? Many people, understandably, find that hard to believe, because there are no animals today with which people can have a conversation. Does it make sense to view the Christian Bible as a collection of myths? If not, how do Christians explain things such as a talking animal? Read more


Adam, Eve The Talking Serpent, And The Garden Of Eden Actually Existed

Do you doubt Adam, Eve and the Garden of Eden ever really existed, because the story sounds too fantastic? If so, you have probably never heard the facts that we present in this short, easy-to-understand read. The talking serpent in Eden, as well as the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil are examined in light of truths to which we can all readily relate. Read more


Are Fallen Angels Demons? What Spirits Are Chained in Darkness?

The angels that sinned are chained in darkness and are cast down to hell to be reserved until the day of judgment. If they are demons, how is it that they have the freedom to make war against the servants of God? Why does there appear to be a difference between demons and fallen angels? See how the scriptures of the Christian Bible answer in the negative the question: Are fallen angels demons? Read more


Born Bad: Is There Such a Thing As Bad Blood?

Are some people evil because they were born bad, that is to say, with bad blood? Find out what the Christian Bible says? Read more


A Christian Perspective On Déjà Vu As Evidence of Reincarnation

Learn the simple truth about déjà vu. Many offer mystical explanations for déjà vu, calling it proof of reincarnation and past lives. However, if you honestly believe the Holy Bible is the Word of God, we invite you to consider a Christian perspective on déjà vu that is eye-opening and based on biblical Scripture. Read more

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