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¿Qué tiene que ver conmigo? por Teófila Gottfried

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Scripture of The Day - St. John 14:6

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Escritura del día - San Juan 14,6

Jesús le dijo: Yo soy el camino, y la verdad, y la vida; nadie viene al Padre, sino por mí.

Bibelstelle des Tages - Johannes 14,6

Jesus spricht zu ihm: Ich bin der Weg und die Wahrheit und das Leben; niemand kommt zum Vater, denn durch mich!

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Seeing Auras


What Is an Aura?

An aura generally is defined as an individual's personal energy field that serves as his or her spiritual signature. The aura is said to be shaped like an egg, three dimensional, and to extend between seven and ten feet. New Age teachings on seeing auras explain that the purpose of this personal energy field is to coordinate the activities and thoughts of a person's soul (mind) in the natural, tangible world. They also tend to explain that this energy field is an individual's connection to the universal mind, sometimes called the divine matrix.

Some New Age teachings that encourage people to learn how to see auras explain that the process is not really spiritual, but scientific. Others insists that seeing auras indeed is to peer into the spirit realm. Which is correct? While science has indeed confirmed that energy and energy fields exist, the Christian believer should be reminded that some disciplines labeled as science are actually spiritual doctrines. The apostle Paul told Timothy, "O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science FALSELY so called" (KJV, I Timothy 6:20). What is more is the need to focus on the express purpose for seeing auras and compare them to God's word.

The Purpose for Seeing Auras

New Age doctrine teaches that if you learn what the colors in auras mean, you can actually have spiritual information about other people at your fingertips. Some people view seeing auras as very valuable because it serves as protection against being deceived by someone and also helps a person to better know his or her own spiritual condition.

Does the Christian Bible say anything about seeing auras? New Age vocabulary rarely appears in biblical scripture. This is because God's truth is for all generations and for all people (Psalm 100:5, I Peter 1:25); therefore, it focuses on the essence of what's being done, not on what that thing or action is called. For example, the words "genetically modified/engineered/altered foods" don't appear in scripture. Nevertheless, the act of genetic interference with plant and animal life is clearly prohibited (Leviticus 19:19).

The Problem with Seeing Auras

Seeing auras removes dependence on God to reveal the things we need to know in the spirit realm, including things about the spirit of other people who would deceive us if given the opportunity. It also encourages developing the ability to freely see and interact with the spirit realm. The Spirit of God is who should have control over what things we see in the spirit realm with our mind's eye and with our natural eyes. God put what the Bible calls a "dividing asunder" between the soul and the spirit of man (Hebrews 4:12). The soul is the mind and the seat of one's thoughts while the spirit of man is an actual spiritual body that dwells inside a physical body while on Earth. Man is a three part being composed of a physical body, a spiritual body, and a soul (I Thessalonians 5:23). The dividing asunder is meant to prevent man from using his soul or his mind to control his spirit body at will. The only way for a man to freely communicate with the spirit realm anyway is to be "connected" temporarily to it by the Spirit of God. This is something that we see throughout Old and New Testament scripture. The other way to "override" the God-given dividing asunder is to take up practices such as lucid dreaming, astral projection, and other "arts" of the occult that are an abomination before God (Deuteronomy 18:12).

God Warns His People of Dangers and Deception

True servants of Christ are not caught off guard nor are they deceived if they listen carefully to the voice of their Lord who knows everything, everyone, the past, the present, and the future. The Christian Bible is replete with the accounts of God's people being warned of hidden evil intentions against them. It is not said of any of them that they practiced seeing auras or anything of that nature.

We're reminded that the wise men were warned of God of the evil intent of king Herod to do them harm (Matthew 2:12). Some people might point out that the wise men were practitioners of the occult; therefore, it should be assumed that they might have practiced seeing auras and saw something in the aura of king Herod that warned them. Such an argument is quickly refuted by scripture that specifically says that they were warned by God in a dream (Matthew 2:12))--not by looking at an aura. Therefore, even if they practiced seeing auras, where was that ability when they really needed it?

John the Baptist is given to know some very important things about the content of the heart of many who came to hear him preach and to be baptized by him. This is why he calls some of the people "vipers" and warns them against believing that their fleshly membership in Israel is a seal of salvation. Nowhere do we read that John the Baptist saw auras. We even have the account of when Ananias was afraid to meet the apostle Paul shortly after his conversion to Christ because of the fierceness with which Paul had persecuted the Christian church. However, the Spirit of God revealed to Ananias that Paul's heart had truly been changed, that he was a new creature and could be met in safety. Again, Ananias did not have to read Paul's aura to know whether to trust him. The list of biblical accounts of this type of revelation from God as well as modern day accounts could go on and on.

The practice of seeing auras is one of a multitude of ways that the enemy deceives people into reliance upon him. He "helps, warns, and protects" them to win their confidence only to fail and defraud them. But Jesus says to his true followers, "...Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world" (Matthew 28:20). Jesus never fails those who truly walk in obedience to him.

The Third Man by Angela Sheffield Based on true events, The Third Man by Angela Sheffield, brings the Bible up close and personal as the characters face real issues of life: Betrayal, deceit, romance, bitterness, anger against God, hopelessness, will power, perplexity, triumph, unforgiveness, mental illness, and the "Alcohol made me do it" excuse. Read chapter one FREE now.

Copyright notice: This website and its content is copyright of © Heavenly Manna (HeavenlyManna.net) 2002-2016.


so your telling me that seeing auras is a sin.
by: Jacob merrill
Posted on 2011-07-06 00:34:24

To: Mr. Merrill:

Heavenly Manna is telling what the word of God says about seeing auras. The scriptures presented in the article can easily be verified. The explanations are not complicated, and the conclusion is not obscure.
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2011-07-06 07:13:54

Ok now i know for one fact that, seeing auras is not a sin, so hears the truth, the aura rep. holness, or the energy feild of a person. So my reponds is that disagree. I belive that god met for us to have power. for that, jesus said you shell recivie power in haeven and earth, and i recivie it. thank you.
by: Jacob Merrill
Posted on 2011-07-10 04:54:55

To Mr. Merrill:
You state that, I believe that God meant for us to have power, for that, Jesus said you shall receive power in heaven and earth (we had to correct the many misspellings in your comment). You give no scripture, so we give the scripture to which we assume you are referring, which is found in Acts 1:8 in which Jesus said to his disciples, But ye shall receive power after that the HOLY GHOST is come upon you.... We ask you, Mr. Merrill, quote one scripture from either Testament of the Bible in which the HOLY GHOST, the power of God, taught or encouraged the practice of seeing auras to the saints. Quote one scripture from either Testament of the Bible in which the HOLY GHOST, the power of God, encouraged the saints to practice the things that one must practice to develop the ability to see auras. You will not find one because the power of God does not condone the practice of things that are not of God. The power of God is the Holy Ghost as we just saw in Acts 1:8; it is not seeing auras. Did you not see the scriptures provided in the article that directly state that the Spirit of God warned his people about the secret and wicked intentions of others and scripture does not say that he let them see auras. We know this for a fact because scripture reveals how God warned his people--in dreams. Did you ignore these scriptures? If so, why?
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2011-07-10 15:52:29

No, i did not ignore any scriptures, and acts 1:8 is the scripture i meditate on. About seeking the holy ghost and witness its power, yes, and also i understand that all power belongs to god, but god don't want us to be without power either. But it has to be supernatural. I also hear that you want to see scriptures, so heres the scriptures i meditate on, acts 1:8, 1cor 15:53, john 1:51, ps 34:13, ps 73:26, Is 35:3, Eph 3:16, col 1:11, phil 4:13, ps 27:1, ps 39:1, phil 2:15, luke 22:43, Gal 2:19. and there are many more i meditate on. thank you for your time.
by: Jacob Merrill
Posted on 2011-07-10 18:23:07

Mr. Merrill:

You continue to emphasize the need for supernatural power. What do you call God's warning through dreams? Is this not the supernatural power of God or is that you don't want to be warned by God in dreams because you'd rather see auras of your "own" power? Concerning the list of scriptures you provide, not one of those scriptures is an answer to the very simple question that was put to you. So, we ask you again: What scriptures can you give that speak of the power of God, the Holy Ghost, causing people to see auras or condoning the practice of developing the ability to see auras? A person can practice magic, witchcraft and even satanism and condone it by saying that God wants him to have power. Attempting to generalize by emphasizing the power of God does not answer the specific question. Anyone with even an elementary understanding of the Bible knows that power can be of God and it can be of Satan. This is why we look at what the power is, how it operates, and how it was obtained, which lets us know from which source it came.
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2011-07-11 04:25:36

What I find quite interesting is that when the Bible stated that Jesus walked on water without any sign of trickery and illusion, then it is supernatural. Though I don\t remember which numbered scripture verse it was to confirm that. Anyway, what other kinds of powers besides healing people does God and Jesus have? And if god wants us to have some power with us...then what kind or form of power is it exactly? Is that power at all concerning the supernatural?
by: Zach
Posted on 2011-09-03 21:41:53

To Zach:

You are correct in saying that Jesus walked on water without any trick or illusion. You are also correct that this is supernatural. Things with no natural explanation are supernatural (super = above/beyond). For some reason, many people equate supernatural with evil and not with God. Remember, that supernatural simply means to be above or outside of the natural. Satan is a spirit and capable of supernatural actions, because he has supernatural power. Don't forget that God is also a Spirit (St. John 4:24). He's not only capable of supernatural actions, he's the author of the natural and the supernatural. Confusion will continue until there's the realization that the supernatural is evil when worked by Satan, and it's good when worked by God. It's all about the SOURCE of the supernatural power in question. When the Christian believer is involved with the supernatural, his principle concern should be with making sure that that supernatural power is holy (of God), and not unholy (of Satan). The Holy Spirit is the only supernatural power that should be working within the Christian believer, because he is the supernatural power of God (Acts 1:8).

You ask, "What other kinds of powers besides healing people do God and Jesus have?" This is answered throughout scripture from Genesis to Revelation. Simply consider the miraculous signs and wonders that the Lord performed. Consider all of his works and you will have your answer concerning his supernatural power.

Thank you for this comment, Zach. It was very insightful and we will actually be producing content soon focusing on the various supernatural manifestations of our God.
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2011-09-04 04:01:30

What if for instance your seeing auras since you were born...and growing up as a Christian you learn the difference between the supernatural works that are from God and Satan...you continue to see auras, you pray for God's help to rid of this ability in concern that it could very likely be the work of Satan...but no matter how many times you pray to God with sincerity using the correct phrases you use to get his attention at the start of prayer...the ability has not faded off.

Plus all that time your born with this ability as you grew up and had not practiced on gaining this ability at all in your life. Could this be from God if this is the case? Could God have made some his people here living on earth much different from others for a reason and with some sort of exception?
by: Zach
Posted on 2011-09-05 17:54:48

To Zach:

There are several reasons that can cause the continual seeing of auras even after praying to be rid of such an ability. Questions would have to be asked and straight answers provided. You can't go to a doctor, tell him a few symptoms, and expect him to rattle off a diagnosis. However, if you submit to tests, the underlying problem will definitely show up.

Sometimes, we are compounding the very problem of which we are trying to rid ourselves. Just as persistent medical lab tests will find the root of a health problem, persistent seeking of God and honesty will reveal the root of spiritual problems. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that praying to God while doubting his word is like writing a check with no money in the bank to cover it.
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2011-09-05 23:48:18

So I presume that generally everyone has no supernatural power. And if so, people whom claimed they have are fraudulent, using illusion and trickery. So my question in offer for insight is...is supernatural powers false and honestly considered that it don't exist? Or is it denied that such thing is existent because it is not for us to know? I think that only few facts are left out just cause it is very sensitive for all of people to accept and take in or that it would be carried away to where the individual mistakenly or intentionally lead themselves away from God and his word on what is not acceptable.
by: Zach
Posted on 2011-09-06 06:42:31

To Zach:

Some people are lying when they say they have supernatural power. However, many others are not lying. They truly do have supernatural power. Remember, it was explained that supernatural power is held by both Satan and God. Why would it be strange for the servants of each to possess supernatural power? Magicians use illusions and trickery, but real-life practitioners of witchcraft, sorcery and other "arts" of the occult have real power and this is not denied by the scriptures, which are neither vague nor lacking in these truths. It's just that most people, including those who profess to be Bible scholars, are even remotely aware of the vast amount of information and warnings on this and many other topics that are clearly available in the word of God.

We highly recommend reading the following:

Are Psychic Abilities from God?

Developing Psychic Abilities: What Does the Christian Bible Say?
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2011-09-07 00:39:22

So...on the part on ghosts, if the spirit that I saw was not an angel, didn't intentionally frighten me, and never returned at all and did not do any harm to me or anyone at all...not to forget there is no such thing as a neutral spirit...then...what on earth was this apparition that I had seen? There was no way for me to test what I saw if it was a fallen angel.

It came and went like a person who is walking across the street bypassing you from quite a distance, without even looking around..noticing if anyone else is there kind of way. And no, this is not at all a spirit haunting my home and it is not even a familiar spirit either.

But again, this one just came and went with no interaction, remained harmless, had never returned and I know deep in my heart that it won't either. And no, I recommend on not...not that I was frightened, it is just how I felt a little surprised because that is something that you normally don't see often, that is extremely rare.
by: Zach
Posted on 2011-09-07 20:23:38

We can perfectly understand your question about this experience. How could anyone test a spirit that simply "swished" by? The answer is: you don't need to. The biblical test is for those who actually dialogue with supernatural beings or receive messages from them. However, there is a reason for even the most brief appearance of a supernatural being. As we mentioned earlier, just as a doctor has to investigate to arrive at a diagnosis, each person has to be willing to diligently seek God regarding a spiritual "diagnosis" of what is wrong.

Also, the fact that a person is not afraid of a spirit or suffers no physical harm does not mean that no harm was done. Harm is not always physical; it can also be spiritual. Many people exist "peacefully" with "harmless ghosts." Keeping in mind, however, that there are no neutral spirits, the intent of the being is either good or it is bad. If the only power the being has is to deceive people into thinking that there are peaceful ghosts by never causing fear or physical harm, it is still exercising power. To be deceived is to be harmed. We are NOT "evaluating" your case. We are NOT saying you were harmed. What we are saying is that the absence of fear and physical harm does not automatically equate to harmlessness. Satan neither physically harmed Eve, nor did he frighten her. He deceived her, and deceived Adam through her, and all of her posterity is now suffering the consequences.
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2011-09-09 16:10:20

Where in the Bible tells where ghosts come from?? Are they all fallen human souls who descended into hell after judgment? Are their souls lost because they have escaped from hell? Or had been let out by the Devil?
by: Zach
Posted on 2011-09-10 08:56:56

To Zach:

The passage of Revelation 12:7-9 is one of a number of scriptures that tell of the war between good and evil that took place in heaven and the expulsion of Satan and his angels from one of the higher heavens. These once holy angels of God became demons, devils, principalities, powers, etc. who are often mistook for "ghosts." You might also be interested in reading What Is the Origin of Satan?
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2011-09-10 18:48:08

Woah! wait a minute...in your reply you notified this: Revelation 12:7-9 is one of a number of scriptures that tell of the war between good and evil that took place in heaven and the expulsion of Satan and his angels from "one of the higher heavens."

Where exactly in the Bible states that there is more than one level of heaven? It is said that there is only one heaven and one hell. Where in the Bible says that there is more than one level of heaven. Not doubting God's word here, it is just odd how I am told something that is not exactly what I was taught.

Cause from what I was taught, there is no such thing as a purgatory. Biblical Christianity does NOT reply at all anywhere in the scriptures that there is a purgatory. There probably is not such thing as ghosts either.

It is said that in the first original Webster's Dictionary that a ghost is a soul or spirit of a deceased person. And also below the definitive terms of that word it is noted that the word "Spirit" is often interchangeable with GHOST but...MAY mean a supernatural being, usually with an "indication" of good or malign intent toward man. So no matter which word in statement is said what a person had seen, it can only be either good or evil. There is good and there is bad; bad had also been used interchangeably with the word "evil."

Though again, only God knows exactly everything on what exists in regards to absolute truths on the existence of the spirit world. Were only obtaining a lot of info to only an extent. In other words again only some of the fact is not mentioned because it is just "how it is" whether I myself and everyone likes it or not.
by: Zach
Posted on 2011-09-10 19:25:59

As I have read the revelations 12:7-9 it only states a war in heaven that Michael and his "angels" fought against the dragon; and that the "dragon" fought and his "angels." And that the Devil/Lucifer/Satan was cast out into the earth including his angels with him.

All I know is that most of deities even spiritual practices are from only the Devil. (The Ankou, Banshees, Charms, Curses, Divinational practices(automatic handwriting,astrology, numerology, palmistry, etc) Demons, Channelers also known as spirit Enchanters, False Prophets;religious cults, the Grim Reaper, Hexes, Lycanthropes, Necromancers, Mediums, Malevolent spirits, Omens, use of Ouija Boards, other gods that are tied directly to sacrificial practices and beliefs, Vampirism, Wicca, Witchcraft, and Wizardry.

And of course it is said in the Bible that we shall not worship all twenty gods and not only our one true and only God. So I believe definitely that there is only "One" and only one God. And only one Jesus also known as the son of the father who is God. Any kind of art and/or spiritual practice that is a "form" of divination and also any worship and belief of supernatural powers that is "occultic" is bad because all of that is directly tied to the devil.

by: Zach
Posted on 2011-09-10 20:44:38

To Zach:

Firstly, we did not say anything about purgatory. So, why are you mentioning it? Secondly, your knowledge of biblical scripture is extremely deficient if you are not aware of the fact that God's word lets us know that there is more than one heaven/level of heaven. Have you never read scriptures such as Deuteronomy 10:14 and 1 Kings 8:27 which speak of the "heaven of heavens?" Notice the plural and that the heaven of heavens refers to a highest level of heaven. Have you never read Psalm 8:1 and Revelation 12:12 which also speak of the heavenS (PLURAL)?

Regarding ghosts, we've provided ample scripture from the Bible that plainly defines a ghost in our article on ghost hunting--an article you read. If you want to place the Webster dictionary definition above that of the Bible, go ahead. That's your option. If you want to reject biblical scripture, go ahead, that's your option. But, why do you keep reading content on this site that upholds biblical scripture? Also, please remember to stay on topic. This article is about seeing auras, not about "ghosts," purgatory, levels of heaven, origin of evil spirits, etc.

Regarding the fall of the Dragon and his angels, when you were reading Revelation 12:7, were you so excited to comment that you could not take the time to find your own answer simply by reading just a few more scriptures down? They plainly tell us "Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath..." (Revelation 12:12)? Can you not tie this together with all of the other numerous scriptures that identify Satan and his angels as the FALLEN angels who are the evil spirits operating in the world?
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2011-09-11 05:34:21

I apologize that I have been off topic in the article. Secondly, it sounded a little implicating that there is more than one place for the spirit world. When I came across that, I got a bit excited there. And third, I am not placing the Webster Dictionary above the Bible...God has a lot of intentions and expectations for everyone.
by: Zach
Posted on 2011-09-11 18:49:40

To Zach:

No problem; it's sometimes easy to get off topic during a discussion. We understand that; that's part of the reason why comments/questions are moderated.

Regarding your mention of the Webster dictionary definition of "ghost," you say that you are not placing it above the biblical definition of the Bible. What then was your purpose for mentioning it? It should be very obvious that, for this content, we are concerned with God's Word, NOT with the word of a dictionary. There are various sources of information. Each person chooses which one he/she wants to believe and accept. For example, there are various dialects of the Spanish language. If a person wants to translate something into Mexican Spanish only, why would someone continue to present Puerto Rican Spanish, or any other dialect as an alternative to the already chosen Mexican dialect?
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2011-09-11 21:23:11

During my teens I started seeing, hearing, and sensing supernatural things. Because of this i was even attracted to learn to read auras as a lot of paychica kept marvelling at how bright and thick my aura was . At 20 I accepted Christ, but it was only 2 years ago that I renewed my personal relationship with Him. I am now 40. At home and work I heard, sensed spirits. While I simply ignored this in my youth, I felt bothered by it as I matured. Note that majority of my family members also have this sensitivity. I wanted to get rid of this sensitivity. Our pastor asked if I had any unconfessed sin that might have led to having opened myself up to the spirit world. Traced up to my grandmother who played with the ouija board with her sisters ( for fun -- but they supposedly got spooked when the board started moving by itself before they would even start) to my mother who raised us into thinking that seeking fortune tellers was ok ( we were raised as Catholics ). From reading the bible I learned these practices makes one unholy ( sorry I can\t recall the verse but it there in the bible). That while indeed the spirit realm exists, god didn\t mean for us to be opened to it because it erodes what should be our 100% faith in him .It was difficult at first to desensitize myself from this as in our culture, there comes a sense of pride for having these powers. But the pastor slowly, step by step, showed me the biblical bases to support this. I believe that what I have has oppressed me for years. I agree that while most of the things I saw or heard did not harm me, they DID spiritually, and slowly. I didn\t realize I gave importance to them, trying on rituals to get rid of them. When all I needed to do was call on the highest power of all -- God. So that one form of corruption of faith. While I professed to be a christian, I was blind to see that the rituals I used ( burning incense , using feng shui to get rid of the spirits ) were not of God. This enlightenment was just recent. I am a work in progress. I had asked for forgiveness for having dabbled in what I thought were harmless rituals. Because I want to stop this sensitivity from passing on to my child who seem to already have it too.
by: Tirana
Posted on 2012-01-07 01:57:31

To Tirana:

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your personal testimony that we believe will be enlightening and encouraging to readers. All of God's servants are a work in progress and should be there to support one another. We will earnestly remember you in prayer; and could we ask how old your child is?
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2012-01-07 04:54:27

She is 9. I marvel at how godly she is. She has a soft and good heart. When I was pregnant with her on bed rest, and though I was not active in church , I heard that Christians consecrate their children to God. I had no idea how that was done, but somehow I felt compelled to consecrate her to God that very moment. She will be alright. :) Thank you for your prayers. God bless you.
by: Tirana
Posted on 2012-01-14 12:37:57

I"m a little offended about the infrence that if no medical reason is found, a person seeing an aura is tapping into the wrong power source. My 5 yr old, whom is quite articulate, has been talking about people's different 'colors' since she was about 18mnths. I took her in to have her tested (fearful there was something going on that was affecting her in such an odd way.) Her results came back showing she is fit as a fiddle. So, am I to assume, that you are saying my daughter, who verbally accpeted Our precious Lord Christ Jesus when she was three, has someone how been spiritually compromised? And is now under a much darker influence?? My goodness! And what do you suggest I do about this? Take her in for an excosism? We are a God fearing, Christ loving home. She's been in church since the day she was born(almost litterally! Born on a thursday, in church on a Sunday). Our faith roots, on both sides of my family, go back generations. So I fail to see how this could be generational. Although I did seek that as an option in trying to figure this out, and went through generation prayers with my Priest, to cut off anything being passed down that was negative and not of God. She's never been exposed to anything occultish (not even Disney movies!). I really have a hard time believing God would allow a child to be removed from his grace and protection, and given over to the devil and his schemes. That makes no sense to me.
by: Tracey
Posted on 2012-02-19 01:51:39

To: Tracey

It is absolutely astonishing to think that you think that we are including people as young as 18 months old in this article. Did we not plainly, and very clearly focus on TAKING UP PRACTICES to see auras? Yes, we did. (under heading "The Problem with Seeing Auras"). Therefore, there is no justification for even assuming the ridiculous idea that it is being said that an 18 month old child has TAKEN UP any one of the PRACTICES mentioned! In YOUR comments you mentioned that your daughter just sees auras. Why then are you even relating her ability to see auras "naturally" with someone who had to TAKE UP PRACTICES to see auras?

Also, you speak of "generation prayers" with your priest. Are you aware that biblical scripture does not support the theory of generational curses?

We think it is wonderful that you are concerned enough about your daughter to give attention to her physical, mental, and spiritual health. However, jumping to the defense where no "attack" has been made helps nothing.
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2012-02-19 21:30:41

I want to thank you for your reply...my purpose of mentioning the definition dictionary of the word "ghost" was not fully thought of. I just felt a little bit frustrated. At the time, I was taking the subject matter too personally. Eventually I had found a good and understanding reason why through much of the time when I had been in church at a young age why that very little was mentioned about spirits and the spirit world. There are various reasons, but a few that came to acknowledgement why that is was kept strong and very understanding.

That no one including myself should not worship spirits and deities. That I should only worship in God and Christ and no other. Since it's in the Bible that one third of God's angels had fallen. So just because there are such thing as benevolent spirits does not mean that they will consistently remain as good and benevolent 100 percent. The main and only true example is the Biblical account story about the fall of Lucifer. He "was" an angel, but then he had made a choice which led to him being expelled from heaven and went to Hell, which in Greek term known as "Hades." I was aware overtime that I have to find the answers in the Bible. And as you told me multiple times....should not place any other source of info before the Bible.

It was lack in using common sense that got me. There's more..I prayed to God in question about the existence of ghosts long before I came to this website. At the time was I not only desperate with such curiosity to know but I didn't look into facts about ghosts in my religion at first hand.

Thus what the Bible says about these spirits. The answer I felt to be was "no" due to a variety of circumstances. The feeling in such response was quite strong..and finally sometime last month it came to me in best interest to put and keep my faith in God, and look for answers to my questions to the Bible. And to take my time on that, and not go relying on other people's opinions and other written books and other sources for answers to such questions. I want to apologize for my previous responses I had made months ago. I had analyzed myself enough to realize on what my weak points are, and that from how I responded to your answers...I am prone to take things too personally.There were plenty of times I have made decisions based on emotion rather than reason.
by: Zach Luschen
Posted on 2012-02-20 01:11:33

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