Who is the Only Begotten Son of God, the First Begotten of the Dead and the Firstborn of Creation?

Which one is the only begotten son of God? Which one is the first begotten of the dead and the firstborn of creation, Jesus A or Jesus B? Test your knowledge of biblical scripture from the Christian Bible before learning the answer and the extremely crafty falsehoods put forth about Christ.
Jesus A Teaches:
"If you will follow me, you will have salvation and be a son or daughter of God in the identical way that I am. I am the way, truth and life because I am the only son of God that lived a perfectly sinless life here on earth. If you follow me, you will walk in obedience to God. This is why the apostle Paul said, 'Be ye followers of me, even as I (Paul speaking) also am of Christ' (1 Corinthians 11:1). It's not impossible for you to live a sinless life (Titus 2:12) just as I did. I was created by God as a mere man, just as you are. This is why I could be tempted with sin (Hebrews4:15). However, I did not sin. If I were God, I could not have been tempted with sin because the Bible says that God cannot be tempted with evil (James 1:13). I am not a mythological being. In other words, I was not both God and man as some erroneously teach. I am the firstborn of creation to walk in perfect obedience to Him. God blessed me to experience this spiritual rebirth. This is why the Bible calls me the firstborn of creation (Colossians 1:15). You too can be born again unto God if you will follow and obey my teachings which are truth. The Lord told us not to have any other gods before Him (Exodus 20:3). There is only one God, the Father (Mark 12:29). If the Father is your God and I am your god also, you have two gods. I am the way the truth and the life by which man comes to God because the way of salvation was committed to me (St. John 14:6) to point the world to God, not to take His place. Will you commit idolatry in replacing the Father with a man, even a righteous one? In Luke 18:18-19 the Bible says, 'And a certain ruler asked him, saying, Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God.' God will send me back to receive all who have followed the truths God the Father taught me (St. John 8:28). Observe that scripture says that I had to be taught. Does God have to be taught? At that time all things will be made subject to God, myself included, according to the scripture of 1 Corinthians 15:23-24. Have I not spoken the truth, according to the Bible? I am the true only begotten son of God, the first begotten of the dead, and the firstborn of creation"
Jesus B Teaches:
"The Bible does not say that I lead to the way, truth and life but rather that I am the way, truth, and life (St. John 14:6). This is not because of what I did, which was lived a sinless life (2 Cor. 5:21), but because of who I am. The Bible calls me the Son of man and the Son of God. The Jews understand the real meaning of these two titles. 'Son of man' denotes that indeed I was a man. This is why I could not be omnipresent. I experienced hunger when I fasted. I could not go without rest, bled when injured, and could be killed, which is why I died from crucifixion. The Bible also teaches that I am the Son of God. Although the title of son/s of God is also used to refer to angels and saints, the Jews understood that I plainly taught that I am the Son of God, having no earthly father. Why did they understand this as equality with God? When there is only one parent, the offspring is identical to the parent. I tell you in St. John 8:42 that I proceeded forth and came from God. They understood that I taught them as I teach you that I was God Himself wrapped in flesh. The scriptures say, 'Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God' (St. John 5:18). You cannot follow my teachings and deny my divinity at the same time. I was Jesus the man and I am Jesus the Lord. In Luke 18:18-19, as a man, I said that none is good except God. As the Lord I tell you that I am the good Shepherd (St. John 10:11). As Jesus the man, I hungered when I fasted (Mat.4:2). As Jesus the Lord, I multiplied a few small fish and few loaves of bread to feed the multitudes on more than one occasion. As a man, I required rest and sleep. As the Lord, I rose and commanded a great storm to cease, the waves to be calm, and they obeyed my rebuke. As a man, my temptation in the wilderness of the devil was real (Mat. 4:1-11, Heb. 4:15). As the Lord, I cannot be tempted with evil (James 1:13). As a man, I was not equal to God, nor ever attempted to be such (Phil. 2:5-6); and I taught that there is only one God. As God, I accepted and encouraged people to bow down and worship me (Mat. 8:2, 9:18, 14:33, 28:9, Mark 5:6, St. John 9:35-38). As a man, God the Father taught me (St. John 8:28). As the Lord, I myself am wisdom (1 Cor. 1:30). The Bible does indeed call me the firstborn of creation, the only begotten Son of God, and the first begotten of the dead (St. John 3:16, Colossians 1:15). Why would a man be referred to as the only begotten Son of God and the firstborn of creation? Indeed I am both; yet, logically this does not make sense. Have you stopped to question whether you really understand what God's word means by these words."
Which of the two statements represent false teachings about Jesus?
Unmasking False Teachings About The Only Begotten Son of God and the First Begotten of the Dead
Why does the Bible call Jesus the first begotten Son of God (Hebrews 1:6)? Why does the Bible call Jesus the first begotten of the dead (Revelation 1:5)? Why does the Bible call Jesus the only begotten Son of God (St. John 3:16)? Why does the Bible call Jesus the firstborn of creation (Colossians 1:15)? Why do some scriptures teach that Jesus was just a man, while others teach that He was God?
First Begotten Son Of God
In the natural meaning of "first begotten," people understand reference to the first child born. In the natural meaning of "only begotten," people understand reference to the only child that is or ever was born. Using only the natural meaning of the two words, it would not make sense to call an only child, a first born child also.
In man's eyes, the first begotten and the only begotten Son of God refer to the first and to the only child born respectively. In God's eyes, however, these terms have three meanings. One is natural, which also refers to the first and the only child born in the family and two that are spiritual, which have absolutely nothing to do with when a person was born or to how many siblings he has. What are these other spiritual meanings?
We read, "And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the Lord, Israel is my son, even my firstborn" (Exodus 4:22).
God refers to the entire nation of Israel as His "firstborn" son. Obviously, all of these people were not born at the same time. Notice that all of them are called His "son," not "sons." God tells us the reason for this. We read, "For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God, and the Lord hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth (Deuteronomy 14:2)."
God called Israel his "firstborn son" to indicate the high status to which He exalted them above all other nations. To be the firstborn is to be in a special category of high status, great blessing and privilege. This is exemplified in the natural which is why only the firstborn child received a birthright (Genesis 25:24-34, 43:33, 48:13-20). The spiritual birthright does not automatically go to the child born first, but to the child whose status God chooses of His own will. Israel was not the first nation to exist on earth; and Noah, Enoch, Abraham and Isaac had a relationship with God before the children of Israel (Jacob) were ever born. In the natural, they are not the firstborn, but in the spiritual (in God's eyes), they are the firstborn son because God gives the status that He wants to give to whomever He wants, regardless of the time and/or order of birth. This must be understood to understand Jesus being the only begotten Son of God, the first begotten of the dead and the the firstborn of creation.
The Example of Jacob and Esau
Esau was the firstborn son of Isaac and Rebecca; however, his younger brother Jacob received the birthright as though he had been born first (Romans 9:10-11). Some will argue that Jacob stole Esau's birthright, which indeed he did (Genesis 27:36). However, Jacob could never have stolen the natural birthright had Esau not willingly sold it to him (Genesis 25:31-34, Hebrews 12:16). The spiritual side of the birthright, nevertheless, was given to Jacob by God Himself (Romans 9:10-13). In the natural, Esau was the firstborn, but in the spiritual, Jacob was the firstborn by God's election.
The Firstborn of Creation
Jesus, the man was not the first man to be born; therefore, He is not the firstborn of creation in the natural sense. However, God places Him high above every creature that has ever been born or that ever will be born. This is what makes Him the
firtsborn of creation. God is the One who chooses who is the firstborn. In other words, God is the One who determines a man's status on earth and with Himself. In reference to Christ, God declared, "...I will make him my firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth (Psalm 89:27).
The First Begotten of the Dead
In addition to referring to the special category or high status of someone, "first begotten" also refers to the first person to do something. This is why in addition to calling Jesus the "first begotten," He is also the first begotten of the dead (Revelation 1:5). Jesus the man, is the very first man ever to rise from the dead to eternal life, never ever to die again. We read, "Knowing this, Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion (power) over him" (Romans 6:9). "And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead..." (Revelation 1:5). Jesus said, "I am he that liveth, and was dead: and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death" (Revelation 1:18).
And now we ask, "But God raised from the dead, Lazarus and the son of the widow who served Elijah (1 Kings 17:18-24, St. John, chapter 11). Would not these people be the first to be raised from the dead? They were raised from the dead, but they are NOT the first to be resurrected from the dead NEVER TO DIE AGAIN. Paying attention to detail is vital to understanding who the only begotten Son, the first begotten of the dead, and the firstborn of creation is.
Jesus was and is the first begotten Son of God, because of His status above all the other sons of God due to his sin-free life (St. John 1:14, Matthew 1:23, 1 Peter 2:22, 2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 John 3:5). He is the first begotten of the dead, because He is the first son to be risen from the dead to ETERNAL life (Rev. 1:5, 18, Rom. 6:9).
The Only Begotten Son Of God
Obviously, "only begotten" is not referring to Jesus the man being the only son of God to be born. God has many sons, including the angels (Job 1:6), the saints (St. John 1:12), and the entire nation of Israel (Exodus 4:22). One of the spiritual meanings of "first begotten" refers to being the first one to do something; likewise, "only begotten" refers to being the only Son of God to do something. We are still discussing Christ the man, not Christ, the Lord.
Christ is the ONLY Son of God to whom the Father Himself turned and said, "You are my Son, this day have I begotten (fathered) you" (Hebrews 1:5). God has not, and will not turn and say these special words to any of the rest of his sons because they are not His only begotten.
Jesus, the man, is the ONLY Son of God who is the Lamb of God which takes away the sins of the world (St. John 1:29). The other sons of God were granted sonship through the shed blood of the Lamb (Revelation 5:9). Therefore, Jesus is the ONLY Son whose blood washed away the sins of all of the rest of the sons. Jesus is the ONLY Son of God that can give power to believers for them to become a son of God. Without Him, we can never become the sons (and daughters) of God (St. John 1:12).
Most importantly, Jesus is the ONLY Son of God who was born of a virgin (Matthew 1:18-23). God fathered Him in such a direct way that the role of a natural biological father was totally eliminated. God created the rest of us through our parents. The following truths help comprehension of the meaning of the only begotten Son of God:
1. Jesus is the ONLY Son of God who is the Master and Lord of all the rest of the sons (St. John 13:13).
2. Jesus is the ONLY Son of God who is the Savior and whose name is above the names of the other sons for whom He died (Acts 4:12).
3. Jesus is the ONLY Son who sits on the right hand of the Father (Luke 24:50-51, Acts 1:9-11, 7:55).
4. Jesus is the ONLY Son who is worshipped by the other sons as well as by all of the angels (Matthew 8:2, 9:18, 14:33, 28:9, Mark 5:6, Hebrews 1:6-8, St John 9:35-38).
Was Not Adam the Firstborn of Creation?
Did not Adam's creation precede that of Jesus the man. Adam did not have a mortal father either. We read, "And God said, Let us make man in our image..." (Genesis 1:26). We also read, "For Adam was first formed, then Eve" (1 Timothy 2:13). Notice that the scripture of 1 Timothy says that Adam was formed. It refrains from using the word "fathered." Parents who love their children do not refer to them as their "formations" or even as their "offspring," but as their "children, sons and daughters."
Is Jesus A the Only Begotten Son of God, the First Begotten of the Dead and the Firstborn of Creation?
Jesus A teaches, "If you will follow me, you will have salvation and be a son or daughter of God in the identical way that I am." This statement is very disturbing because it teaches that all the sons of God have a sonship that is identical, and therefore equal to that of the Only Begotten Son. This lifts a mere man to the level of the Only Begotten and lowers the Only Begotten to the level of a mere man. This one statement is just the beginning of the false teachings circulating about Jesus.
We read, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (St. John 1:1). Just a little further down in the same chapter we read, "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth" (St. John 1:14). The Word was God and the Word was made flesh. Therefore, God Himself was made flesh.
Scripture does not say that God was with Himself. It says that God was with the Word who is also God. The Holy Ghost (the Spirit of God) is also God (Acts 5:3-4). Does this not equal God in three persons? One of the persons of the Godhead, the Word, was made flesh (became a man) and lived on earth among men. We read, "The next day John seeth JESUS coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world" (St John 1:29). Does that mean that Christ ceased to be God the Word? No, it does not. Does that mean that he was not a man? Scripture plainly says he was also a man, being made flesh, and living among the people as the only begotten Son of God, the Father. Jesus was fully God and he was fully man. Why would we say otherwise? These truths cannot be dismissed if there's to be understanding of the meaning of the only begotten Son of God, the first begotten of the dead, and the firstborn of creation.
God the Son is the Only Begotten Son of God, the First Begotten of the Dead, and the Firstborn of Creation
In the book of Hebrews, we see the Father Himself calling His first begotten, God.
"...When he bringeth in the first begotten into the world, he (God) saith, And let all the angels of God worship him. And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire. But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever..." (Hebrews 1:6-8).
Jesus is again called God in 1 John 5:20, "And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life."
Again, in the first chapter of St. John, we read that the Word is the Creator of the world. God is the Creator of the world and God is the Word. We read, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him and without him was not any thing made that was made. He was in the world, and the world was made by him..."(St John 1:1-3,10).
To further help you to grasp this most vital truth, you may want to meditate upon the following pairs of scriptures which focus on the contrast between Jesus, the man and Jesus, the Lord God:
1. Jesus the man hungered when he did not eat (Matthew 4:2). Jesus the Lord, on more than one occasion, fed thousands with a few fish and few loaves of bread (Matthew 15:32-38, Mark 6:36-44, 8:1-9).
2. Jesus the man wept for his friend Lazarus when he died. Jesus the Lord commanded that Lazarus come back to life from the dead (St John 11:1-45).
3. Jesus the man, on one occasion, was so tired that he was not even awaken by the storm that raged as he and his disciples crossed the sea of Galilee in their boat. Jesus the Lord stood up, rebuked the wind and commanded the sea to be still, and they obeyed (Mark 4:35-41). Psalm 107:23-31 tells us that it is the Lord who speaks to the sea and it's waves, and the wind, and they obey his command so that men will see His wonders and give Him the praise that is His.
4. Jesus the man could be tempted by the devil (Matthew 4:1-11, Hebrews 4:15). Jesus the Lord does not tempt any man and cannot Himself be tempted with evil (James 1:13).
5. Jesus the man was the humble servant of mankind (Luke 22:27, Mark 10:45). Jesus the Lord is served by mankind and He reminds us that He is the Master and we are the servants (Matthew 23:10, St John 13:13-16).
6. Jesus the man was made and placed in the womb of the virgin Mary who, in the natural, would be his mother. He was born and had to grow up like any other child. Jesus the Lord created Mary. He created the womb in which He was developed (St. John 1:3, 10). He has no beginning nor ending of days and no biological mother or father (Hebrews 7:3).
7. Jesus the man prayed to God (Mark 14:36, St. John 14:16, 17-20). Jesus the Lord hears our prayers, is the only Mediator between the Father and us when we pray, and He taught us how to pray (Matthew 6:5-13).
8. Jesus the man, when called the Good Master, responded, "Why do you call me good? None is good except God (Matthew 19:16-17)." Jesus the Lord, however, says, "I am the Good Shepherd (St. John 10:11).
9. Jesus the man wanted to be delivered from being crucified (Mark 14:35-36). Jesus the Lord's will cannot be separated from that of the Father and the Holy Spirit with whom He is One (St John 17:21).
10. Jesus the man called those who do the will of the Father his brethren (Matthew 12:50). Jesus the Lord tells His brethren to do His will (Luke 6:46-47).
11. Jesus the man said, "I can of mine own self do nothing..." (St. John 5:30). Jesus the Lord said, "Behold (Look), I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy..." (Luke 10:19). He also said, "But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (he saith to the sick of the palsy), I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house" (Mark 2:10-11). Who can forgive sins but God only (Mark 2:7)?
12. Jesus the man said, "If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true" (St. John 5:31). Jesus the Lord said, "I am one that bear witness of myself" (St John 8:18). We read, "We know that it is a true witness because we read, "This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth. For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word (Remember we learned that this is God who was made flesh), and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one" (1 John 5:7-8).
13. Jesus the man died by crucifixion (Matthew 28:50, Mark 15:37). Jesus the Lord inhabits eternity and cannot die (Isaiah 57:15).
14. Jesus the man was raised from the dead by God the Father (Romans 10:9). Jesus the Lord raised Himself, by His own power, from the dead (St John 10:17-18).
15. Jesus the man had to be taught by God (St. John 8:28). Jesus the Lord Himself is wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:24).
16. Jesus the man taught Israel saying, "Hear, O Israel; the Lord our God is one Lord" (Mark 12:29). He taught worship of the Father (St. John 4:23-24). But, Jesus freely received the worship of God even while He was wrapped in flesh. We see Jesus being worshiped in Matthew 8:2, 9:18, 14:33, 28:9, Mark 5:6, and St John 9:35-38.
The titles of the only begotten Son of God, the first begotten of the dead, and the firstborn of creation refer to Christ, the man. However, they do not cancel the truth of the divinity of Jesus.
Examining the False Statements of Jesus A
STATEMENT: If you will follow me, you will have salvation and be a son or daughter of God in the identical way that I am.
EVALUATION: Jesus is the Only Begotten Son of God because He is the only one whose sonship is unique. It is not like the sonship of any of the other sons of God.
STATEMENT: I was created by God as a mere man, just as you are.
EVALUATION: We've learned that the Bible plainly and forcefully declares the divinity of Jesus.
STATEMENT: If I were God, I could not have been tempted with sin because the Bible says that God cannot be tempted with evil (James 1:13).
EVALUATION: Notice the subtlety of this statement, which attempts to use a Biblical truth to twist logic into a lie to make it appear true. The lack of understanding that Jesus was a man and is also God keeps the door open to this kind of reasoning. You might want to review the section contrasting Jesus the man with Jesus the Lord.
STATEMENT: I was not both God and man as some erroneously teach. This is why the Bible calls me the firstborn of creation (Colossians 1:15).
EVALUATION: We learned the true meaning of the biblical reference to Jesus as the Firstborn of creation.
STATEMENT: If the Father is your God and I am your god also, you have two gods. I am the way, the truth and the life by which man comes to God because the way of salvation was committed to me (St John 14:6) to point the world to God, not to take His place.
EVALUATION: Again, the lack of understanding that Jesus was a man and is also God keeps the door open to confusion. You might want to review the section contrasting Jesus the man with Jesus the Lord.
STATEMENT: In Luke 18:18-19 the Bible says, "And a certain ruler asked him, saying, Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? None is good, save one, that is, God."
EVALUATION: Again, you might want to review the section contrasting Jesus the man with Jesus the Lord.
STATEMENT: Observe that scripture says that I had to be taught. Does God have to be taught?
EVALUATION: Again, you might want to review the section contrasting Jesus the man with Jesus the Lord.
STATEMENT: All things will be made subject to God, myself included, according to the scripture of 1 Corinthians 15:23-25).
EVALUATION: Jesus A is again attempting to deceive through man's logic and misunderstanding of the scriptures. He is saying that if Jesus was God and the Father's equal, why does 1 Corinthians 15:23-25 say that he will be made subject to God?
Remember, we learned that Jesus was fully man and is God and that the one does not cancel out the other. Jesus the man, indeed will be made subject to the Word, who is God, and whom he was before he was made flesh. He will be made subject to Himself. He will also be made subject to God the Father and to God the Holy Ghost. These three are the one God to whom he will be made subject and of whom He is. You might want to review the section contrasting Jesus the man with Jesus the Lord.
The Bible provides clear and consistent answers to questions about the identity of the only begotten Son of God, the first begotten of the dead, and the firstborn of creation. It also exposes all false teachings about Jesus. Finally, we examine the scripture of Hebrews 1:4:
"Being made so much better than the angels, as he (Jesus) hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they."
"Made" has nothing to do with the making of the physical body of Jesus the man, in which Jesus the Lord dwelled. Hebrews 1:4 is not saying that his physical body was made much better than the bodies of the angels. Angels do not have physical bodies; they are spirits (Hebrews 1:13-14). Also, the Bible tells us that the mortal part of Jesus, like any other man, was made a "little lower than the angels" (Hebrews 2:6-7).
Who was the only begotten Son of God, the first begotten of the dead, and the firstborn of creation? He certainly was not anyone who matches the description given by the false Jesus A.
Truth in the Statements of Jesus B
His entire statement is in perfect agreement with biblical scripture.
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