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The Third Man by Angela Sheffield is based on a true story. Read chapter one now!
Lo que leemos en la Biblia tiene que ver con todos los seres humanos, sean cristianos o judíos, ateos o agnósticos, budistas, musulmanes o adherentes a alguna de las filosofías o nuevas religiones que surgen en el mundo. ¿Por qué? Ver mayor información sobre este interesante libro.
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world
Amados, no creáis a todo espíritu, sino probad los espíritus si son de Dios; porque muchos falsos profetas han salido por el mundo.
Geliebte, glaubet nicht jedem Geist, sondern prüfet die Geister, ob sie von Gott sind! Denn es sind viele falsche Propheten hinausgegangen in die Welt.
Based on true events, The Third Man by Angela Sheffield, brings the Bible up close and personal as the characters face real issues of life: Betrayal, deceit, romance, bitterness, anger against God, hopelessness, will power, perplexity, triumph, unforgiveness, mental illness, and the "Alcohol made me do it" excuse. Read chapter one FREE now.
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I do not agree nor disagree with this article. It represents, to me, a mainstream question to many Christians. Who knows the Mind of God? Jesus put to rest the old testament with one cardinal rule...Love your neighbor as yourself. I for one, use the sacred scripture of the description of what love is as my ruler to measure my thoughts and actions. When we take that to heart it is ALL encompassing. As He said, out of the mouth comes the abundance of the heart, be it fear based or Love based, it is none the less revealing of men. For me, in most cases, science bridges God to man. ie. The Big Bang Theory: if we observe nature, which Jesus recommended, we would find congruency. It proves How God created and while He himself is Never changing, that which he created is always changing. It is in our God given nature to change. I would not want to be who I was 27 years ago. I would hope and pray that the longer we live, the closer we get to the Heart of God. Jesus said, in times to come, even greater things we will do. As we evolve as Christians, do we not grow with God and our understanding of His Vastness? Jesus and the hemophiliac is a prime example of the Healing Power of Love that he felt leave his body. Was that not his sensitivity to That Divine Healing energy and the woman belief in it? Everything God created in this world of form is created of energy, again, science proving God is alive. His Presence alone fills us. With what? The energy of His Power of love to transform. Authentic use of this power is perhaps what was referred to as proper use of free will. Do I hold judging fearful thoughts of the world or others? If we do not understand that basic concept we will never own how we hurt the world with these thoughts and ideas. Science again, has proven the Power of Prayer. Does it not make sense that horrid thoughts extend as well? We are all challenged by our Creator to use this power in Full authority and with keen discernment. God does not belong in a mind box. He is far more expansive than many of us could possibly conceive. God is in all things. That means there is NO place where he isn't. He alone knows the hearts of men and unconditionally loves them, even and especially while they struggle with their own ideas and interpretations of the past to know him more deeply today. I for one am eternally grateful for the gift of His most precious Holy Spirit who will direct and guide. Let love be the Rule.
by: Alex
Posted on 2011-11-07 14:48:53
To Alex:
Thank you for your comments. We just want to point out a couple of things. You mentioned, "that Divine Healing energy...," when speaking of the woman whom Jesus healed. The scriptures consistently refer to the power of God as the Spirit of God, not the "energy" of God. Many Christians are learning how the subtle change in use of words has deceived many. Yes, God made energy and science speaks of things such as potential energy, which is real. However, we just want to clarify that the power of God is not a type of energy. The power of God is the Spirit of God (the Holy Ghost). That is what scripture says (Acts 1:8). Also, we do not find that God's creation of Earth is congruent with the Big Bang theory. We are not scientists, but we can see that there are too many inconsistencies with that theory and the account of the creation of the world in the scriptures. However, that is probably more on the topic dealt with in the article Theory of Evolution: 150 Years of Lies and Deceit? Intelligent Design of Creation Undeniable
Yes, you are correct in saying that loving God is the most important thing of all.
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2011-11-07 23:51:46
Thank you so much for responding so quickly to my comments. For the sake of clarity (for I would never want to lead anyone astray with My little ideas)when I mentioned the Big Bang not seeming incongruent, it was not the scientific specifics of the theory but rather this; it matters not to me how long it took to create. We, being of form in a physical world, have a different perception of time than the Great Omniscient One, being GOD. I shall enjoy reading the article on the Divine Intelligence. But for brevity sake, my thoughts are simply this, the studies of evolution for me, is about the stages (minus researchers personal interpretations filtered through their perception). It is these stages of how everything came to be that seem to follow the 7 days of creation in Genesis. As I said previously, it could be something as simple as our idea of the 7 days being literal. I guess I\m saying regardless of it being proved or not, be it a gazillion years or in the twinkling of an eye, does not dispute for me, that it was still ALL GOD. I hope that clearer. As far as energy and power, it all here for that how God made it. We use it everyday. We re-create with what He created constantly. From simple fire and shelter from tree wood to the magnificent medical miracles and industrial innovations. This use of power and energy of all that is, is a gift from God but, is totally separate from Grace and Unction, or Inspiration as some would call it. Grace and Unction are of the Holy Spirit alone and cannot now or ever be duplicated. That comes from the throne room alone. Just my thoughts. And again, thank you. It is rewarding and healing to have conversations with devout Christians about such deep questions on the true nature of GOD. Bless you.
by: Alex
Posted on 2011-11-10 11:30:05
Hello,Thanks for your article. But I do not understand what you mean, I am sorry. Probably because Enlish is not my mother language.I am a Christian, probably like you. I agree with your very last sentence. You can never control our God as the true I am.As I understand from what you write it is important not to be like God. Just as Lucifer wanted to be. I have a chair 4 meters in front of me.– I pray if the Lord wants to place it 1 meter to the right;– I use Remote Influencing to place it to the right;– I have a teleportation device to do the trick;– I see the chair already 1 meter to the right before it is happening. Suddenly it has been moved.Do you mean all these possibilities are not allowed, for then I am like God? Or is praying alone approved by you? Or praying and the last option?You mean that if I do something different than going to the chair and put it to another place it is the only thing allowed, because of otherwise I try to be like God, which is a sin?When the chair is going to the other place in option 2 to 4, does it mean it has happened due to an evil angel, or a demon or another power of darkness?Do you mean that the double slit experiment is not true, because of a particle can never know if it is being observed or not? Or quantum entanglement is not possible, because then you try to be like God?Do you mean the aether or ether or divine matrix does not exist? Rediscovered by Nicola Tesla and also mentioned by Einstein and with a different name by many others.When particles go from the past into the future and back again that is not possible? And because we as human beings are made of these same particles and go into the future it’s not allowed/possible? Because then we try to be like God?I can go on a long time, but I simply try to understand what you mean with your nice article.Hope you like to explain,Many greetings,Marten
by: Marten
Posted on 2018-04-29 11:56:49
To Marten:
Thank you for sending your questions. Energy, as defined in purely scientific terms, is real. We do not deny the existence of that real energy God made. The problem is when people try to make that energy be the mind of God, instead of something He created. The Lord allows people to manipulate the things He made, even when that manipulation is evil, as in the case of genetically modified foods. However, to say that the divine matrix IS the universal mind of God we can use to create and destroy things at our will is to attempt to take God's place. Why? Because only God can create and destroy. Man can only manipulate and modify what has already been created. Even true science tells us that matter (things) can neither be created nor destroyed. And, the Bible had already told us that in the Scripture of Ecclesiastes 3:14.
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2018-04-30 11:07:49
Thanks for your quick response. Yes, the divine matrix is not the same as the mind of God. It is different. According to Genesis God created the heavens and the earth. That means He is different from what He created. Einstein agrees on this same principle.
I also agree with you about the so called big bang. It never happened this way – there never has been something like that. It is like the start of Genesis says. Although it is different from how it is usually interpreted. I mean, I am a Christian seer so I see how it happened. What is before the beginning I do not know, because I cannot see that. I am sorry. Many greetings, Marten
by: Marten
Posted on 2018-04-30 14:39:54
To Marten:
When you say seer, are you referring to psychic abilities or to the gift of prophecy? We ask, because many people consider the two to be the same. However, they are not necessarily the same. You might find the following articles on psychic abilities of interest:
Are Psychic Abilities from God?
Developing Psychic Abilities: What Does the Christian Bible Say?
What Does the Bible Say about Clairaudience and Other Psychic Abilities?
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2018-04-30 20:47:07
Thanks again for your response. I read your articles.
Almost from the tine Jesus found me I am prophetic. The seeing part came later. Maybe I have psychic abilities too, or only prophetic I do not know.
More than once Christians tried to deliver me from all kind of demons, forces and more. But these prophetic and other abilities only increased.
It’s not easy to live with. I mean, I prefer to see no angels good or bad, to see no demons, to see no orbs, to see no colors around people, to see no futures of countries, or pasts. To see no persons behind me, to see no infrared through buildings.
I prefer not hearing music from the future, ot the past, like many of the great composers. And this is only a small amount of things I like NOT to see or hear. So it does cost me a lot of efforts and energy NOT to see and hear and … all these things. But with the help of our Lord it works.
But all this is not an easy road. I always try to be with the Lord as close as possible and listen to His voice as good as I can.
Maybe you can read the book of Enoch where he is speaking with the Watchers. And later tried to help them.
Maybe you can take a look at the link below with a lot of information about Christian seers.
(link removed)
Many greetings,
by: Marten
Posted on 2018-05-01 13:31:21
To Marten:
When we truly want to be free, there is nothing that can stop the Lord from completely delivering us except us. In other words, we must completely break with any and everything that connects us to the kingdom of darkness. For starters, we do not believe the book of Enoch to be one of the books that we can absolutely trust to be directly inspired by the Spirit of God. All of our answers are found in the Scriptures that are truly inspired by the Holy Spirit. We tread on dangerous ground seeking wisdom on spiritual matters from any other source. You might want to learn why we neither read nor recommend the reading of Enoch. If you do, simply follow the link to read the truth about the apocrypha by clicking HERE.
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2018-05-01 16:03:17
To Marten:
Comments close at 10. You made the 10th comment. Therefore, an extract of you comment is combined with our response. You stated:
"Thanks for your response. Of course I want to be free. But when nothing happens when people pray for me or try to deliver me from the evil, maybe I am free? I understand from your website that in your opinion that is not possible. You say that the Bible teaches that. Maybe yes, maybe not. What I try to say is that everything you interpret is in the light of your worldview or perspective. In this way you read the Bible and try to understand the scriptures. But first comes your “worldview†or the culture you lived in when the Lord found you.... By the way, I do not like your removing the link in my former reaction..."
RESPONSE FROM HEAVENLYMANNA.NET: In a nutshell, you are saying that we, and everyone else, interpret the Bible according to our own view. However, you do not point out specifics. If you believe we have misinterpreted a scripture, point out the SPECIFIC scripture and state specifically how it was misinterpreted. And if you believe that, why are you contacting us? You would need only invent your own interpretation, or speak with those who give you an interpretation you like. Regarding links, this is our site. We reserve the right to remove any and all links to content with messages that contradict scripture.
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2018-05-02 08:03:59
We're a small team, please be patient as we review comments.