What Does the Bible Say about Clairaudience and Other Psychic Abilities?

Brief definition of Clairaudience
Spiritualists and other New Agers basically define clairaudience as the ability to hear voices and sounds without using the normal sense of hearing. It is believed to almost always be present in mediums who are clairvoyant. It goes without saying that the sounds and voices heard by clairaudient people come from the realm of spirits, including but not limited to angelic beings, ghosts and departed spirits. Biblical Scripture reveals that every person is “clairaudient” to a certain extent in that God gave man a conscience--often called the “voice in our head.” But what about more extreme cases in which people hear the audible voices of spirits, or perceive in their own spirit what spiritual beings are speaking to them? Well, what does the Bible say about clairaudience, psychic children, psychic abilities, and being born psychic?
Born Clairaudient and Psychic
In this article we want to focus on the question of uninvited and even unwanted psychic abilities, which of course includes psychic children. We use New Age terms such as “clairaudient” and “psychic” to be on the same “page” as others who use and understand those terms, according to New Age doctrine. However, we believe the teachings of the Bible, which indeed deals with psychic phenomena without a specific vocabulary. That is because God's Word is timeless (1 Peter 1:25). Words and definitions come and go, but the activities to which they're associated do not change. In other words, the New Age is not new at all. We read, “There is no new thing under the sun.... It hath been already of old time, which was before us” (Ecclesiastes 1:9-10).
Of course several people in the Bible, many of whom were God's servants, had what New Agers would call psychic experiences, simply because they were indeed supernatural. But most of these people invited those experiences through their worship of idols, or through their seeking and worship of the Lord God. However, there are some who began having supernatural experiences as children, without having invited--to our knowledge--neither good nor evil into their young and innocent lives. Who are they? And why did they have paranormal experiences? Keep in mind that not just Satan and his angels, now commonly called demons, are spiritual beings. The Lord God and His holy angels are spirits as well. Therefore, when God speaks to someone, or sends him a vision, that experience is supernatural, because it is above what happens in the natural world. So supernatural experiences can be diabolical, coming from the Satanic kingdom. And they can be holy, coming from the Lord.
Let's look at some children who had supernatural experiences without doing anything to invite them. In the Old Testament passage of Jeremiah 1:4-7, we read of a child who heard the voice of God. Remember, God is a Spirit. When He speaks to us and we hear Him, we are having a spiritual experience...a supernatural experience. We don't know exactly how old Jeremiah was. Nevertheless, Scripture lets us know in no uncertain terms that he was a child...a young boy. Jeremiah says, “Then the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee. And before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Then said I, Ah, Lord God! Behold, I cannot speak, for I am a child. But the Lord said unto me, Say not, I am a child, for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak.”
We do not read that Jeremiah did anything to invite what New Agers might call clairaudience or the “psychic” ability to hear the voice of God. Jeremiah was not a “psychic” child. Why then did he have this and other supernatural experiences initiated by God? Because he was chosen by God from the womb? Does that mean that “psychic” children are chosen by God? No. However, the key to understanding is that there is a reason why we have supernatural experiences--whether invited or not, whether welcomed or not. In the case of Jeremiah, it was God's calling on his life. Let's not forget, however, that Jeremiah was raised in an environment in which God's Law was known and kept to the best of the people's ability. He belonged to the nation of Israel, a nation that knew God. While God's calling is not dependent upon nationality, environment does impact us, sometimes to the point of having supernatural experiences.
A supernatural experience was witnessed in a group of little children who were playing church by imitating what they saw adults do in church services. They sang, clapped their hands, spoke of God, etc. During this time, adults observed that their “play” became the real thing. The children spoke in tongues and were spiritually purged as the Spirit of God moved upon them. This true story was shared to stir consideration of why some people, including children, have supernatural experiences. There can be, and usually is more than one reason for the experiences. These truths are important when asking: What does the Bible say about clairaudience and other psychic abilities? Let us ask questions such as:
What is / was the child's or adult's environment?
How did the child or adult respond to the environment?
(Remember that the children in the story imitated behavior they had seen in adults who worshiped God.)
Another Child Audibly Hears the Voice of a Spirit
Again, God is a Spirit. The Bible says this repeatedly throughout both testaments. Now then, His voice was actually heard by a child...one so young he hadn't been weened long. His name was Samuel. In the first and second chapters of the Old Testament book of 1 Samuel, we learn that his mother Hannah had been barren, and had prayed for a son whom she would dedicate to God, and whom she took to the temple as a child to serve God. In chapter three, we read that while ministering in the temple, little Samuel hears a voice calling him. He thinks it is the voice of Eli, an adult who also served in the temple. But Scripture reveals that the voice was the actual voice of the Lord God. Was Samuel clairaudient? No. You see, there is a difference in hearing only God's voice as opposed to hearing voices of various spirits as in the case of clairaudience. God's servants have a “deaf” ear to the voice of other spirits, because there is only one Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of God. Herein lies the great difference that divides the New Age from biblical truth on the subject of clairaudience.
The Lord said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” (St. John 10:27). Jesus also said that He is the good Shepherd, the door, and the Porter (St. John 10:9, 9, 11). He then tells us, referring to Himself, “I am the good Shepherd. The good Shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them. And the sheep follow him, for they know his VOICE. And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him, for they know not the VOICE of a stranger” (St. John 10:11, 4-5).
If you or a child is experiencing clairaudiene, you'd do well to ask: Whose voice am I hearing? Is it the voice of the good Shepherd or the voice of one who should be a stranger? You'd do well to ask questions about environment. What are the influences in the environment? Are they truly from God or could they be diabolical? The Bible lets us know there are no neutral spirits or “energies.” Therefore, every spirit is either from Satan or from God. Given that Satan is a master of deception, even masquerading as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14), our only protection is in Christ. Ask Him to be your Lord and the only voice you hear. Read His Word, the Bible, and ask Him to give you understanding. Ask Him to reveal what you need to know to help yourself, and what things in your environment might be producing unwanted supernatural experiences. Clairaudience, as defined by New Agers, sharply contrasts with the Word of God whose servants' ears will not hear a voice that's not the voice of their Lord.
Keep in mind that most Christians do not hear an audible voice when God speaks to them. They “hear” His voice in their spirit. They “hear” His voice in studying His Word. Sometimes God speaks to us in dreams, visions (rarely). Sometimes He speaks as we are praying, praising or worshiping Him. He might even speak through the words of another person without that individual realizing it. This is why Jesus says His sheep know His voice. We should know our Lord's voice no matter how He chooses to speak. And we should not be hearing “stray” voices of any spirit outside of the Holy Spirit. Also, remember that the Lord did not frighten Jeremiah and Samuel. If the child speaks of a boogeyman man and / or is tormented, we should be highly suspicious that contact is coming from the Satanic kingdom. God does not frighten children He calls.
Highly Recommended Reading
Is There Such a Thing as Neutral Supernatural Beings
What Is the Sinner's Prayer?
The Divinity of Jesus: Does It Really Matter?
Based on true events, The Third Man by Angela Sheffield, brings the Bible up close and personal as the characters face real issues of life: Betrayal, deceit, romance, bitterness, anger against God, hopelessness, will power, perplexity, triumph, unforgiveness, mental illness, and the "Alcohol made me do it" excuse. Read chapter one FREE now.
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