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Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Jesús le dijo: Yo soy el camino, y la verdad, y la vida; nadie viene al Padre, sino por mí.
Jesus spricht zu ihm: Ich bin der Weg und die Wahrheit und das Leben; niemand kommt zum Vater, denn durch mich!
Based on true events, The Third Man by Angela Sheffield, brings the Bible up close and personal as the characters face real issues of life: Betrayal, deceit, romance, bitterness, anger against God, hopelessness, will power, perplexity, triumph, unforgiveness, mental illness, and the "Alcohol made me do it" excuse. Read chapter one FREE now.
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The reference to Ecclesiastes 12:13 is misleading, since God's command was explained by the Word himself in John 15:12 as loving each other as He loved us.
As for water having memory, 1John 5:8 clearly speaks of water being a witness alongside the Spirit and the blood. What good is a witness with no memory?
Dr. Emoto's take home message is love yourself and love others and be thankful, which are profoundly Christian values. Why don't more Christians judge righteous judgement as God commands rather then stumbling over surface level differences? Here we have a man (Emoto) who proves that love and thankfulness are the most important things in life, confirming some of the core teachings of Christ. Why aren't Christians receiving this confirmation of our scriptures with joy and using it as a tool of evangelism?
by: Max
Posted on 2012-09-26 13:16:13
To Max:
This article is not about God's command to love one another. It is about revealing deception and senselessness in the claims that are made about hidden messages in water--none of which you have refuted, though specific examples were provided. Masaru Emoto states that to understand water is to understand life. The scripture in Ecclesiastes says that to obey God is to understand life. What is misleading about that?
What truly is misleading is to mention 1 John 5:8 in an attempt to give biblical support to Mr. Emoto's claims about hidden messages being in water. It was never said that the water that was used for ceremonial cleansing in the Old Testament and the water that came from Jesus' pierced side was ever used to provide hidden messages. The water mentioned in 1 John 5:8 is one of three witnesses on Earth. A witness is NOT a secret message! A symbol is NOT a secret message--big difference here.
You write, "Here we have a man (Emoto) who proves that love and thankfulness are the most important things in life, confirming some of the core teachings of Christ." We are well aware of the clever use of what sounds good and kind to distract from the teachings of the straight and narrow path. First, people can love the world, and they can love many evil things in it. Therefore, we do not simply say that love is the most important thing in life. We say what Jesus said is most important: to keep the first commandment, which is to love GOD, not just to simply love. Also, there is something very wrong with saying that Masaru Emoto or any other man confirms the core teachings of Christ. God himself confirms the truth of his own word, not a man (Romans 15:8).
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2012-09-27 00:17:16
Firstly let me just thank you for interacting with me on this important topic.
If you can't affirm that Love is the most important thing in life then you are denying your very God and savior who is love (1john 4:8).
The Word told us what the commandment of God is in the new covenant: that you we keep on loving each other just as He loved us. (john15:12 & 1john3:23). So that links your Ecclesiastes passage with Emoto's findings.
Certainly people who love evil things are not walking in the truth, because to fear God is to hate evil (Proverbs 8:13).
Also to say that a scientist can't confirm scripture by analysing nature is utterly unbiblical since all creation testifies to the Creator (romans1:20) and we know God has certainly hidden things to glorify Himself (Proverbs 25:2).
You completely misrepresented my use of 1John 5:8, which I was using to show that water has memory because it is a witness on the earth. Again I ask; What good is a witness with no memory?
That point wasn't even touched in your response.
Again, the idea that God doesn't hide things, is completely false (Rev 2:17 1Cor 4:1 and others). True, all knowledge comes from Christ because he created all things, but unless you claim that every true scientific discovery ever made was made by Christians you can't possibly be consistent in that line of argumentation.
by: Max
Posted on 2012-09-27 12:38:33
We've already pointed out that it is specifically love for GOD that is the most important thing according to the Lord himself (Mark 12:29-30). We did not make this up. God said it. In these last and very evil days many people attempt to align teachings from anti-Christian doctrines with Christianity in order to sum things up in vagueness..."just love, that's all that matters." No, that is not all that matters. The first and greatest commandment is not simply to love. It is to LOVE GOD. What does this truth or the truth of Ecclesiastes have to do with Mr. Emoto? Where did Mr. Emoto ever mention about loving the God of Israel? Where did he ever teach to love the Lord Jesus?
Also, we have a good number of articles that point out the scientific accuracy of the scriptures. You may not have read those articles. Therefore, please don't tell us that we've said something that we have not said.
Water being a witness is not water holding secret/hidden messages. Where is the secrecy in the gospel of Jesus that is to be preached in all of the world? We did not ignore you. You ignored us when we pointed out the fact that a witness and a SECRET are two entirely different things.
You say that God hides some things. Where in the scriptures does it say that He hides things in WATER? Nowhere. Please stay on topic. We are talking specifically about HIDDEN MESSAGES IN WATER, not about God hiding things in the spirit realm. According to Mr. Emoto, man can read so-called secret messages in water. That means that man could uncover what God has hidden. Our Lord told us that what he opens, no man closes, and what he closes, no man opens (Rev. 3:7).
Also, we notice that you have not answered any of the very specific things pointed out in the article regarding the ludicrous claims that Mr. Emoto made about water. We refer to the part of the article headed: Critical Thinking on the Subject. Even someone who has no faith at all in God can see the lack of even good reasoning in the claims made by Mr. Emoto.
We also thank you for taking the time to comment.
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2012-09-28 17:50:28
My points are clear and remain untouched.
1. Water is a witness therefor it has memory.
2. The message "Love thyself" is completely biblical (love your neighbour as thyself) and is Dr. Emoto's thesis.
3. God can reveal the secrets of this creation to whomever he chooses, not just "Christians".
Can you show me where the bible distinguishes between spirit water and natural water?
May I suggest that if water responds to Love and God is Love, then understanding water could be quite an incredible step forward in our understanding of God's word.
I never claimed that Dr. Emoto was Christian, though he is clearly a humanitarian.
by: Max Clark Dent
Posted on 2012-09-28 21:34:56
To Max Clark Dent:
And the truths of the Bible are clear and remain untouched.
We repeat for the last time. Water being a witness and water holding secret messages are two entirely different things. You harp on the message of love in saying "'love thyself' is completely biblical," while vehemently ignoring the scripture we plainly pointed out that the first and greatest commandment is to LOVE GOD. There is something very wrong with such great resistance against the scriptural focus on man's duty to LOVE GOD.
Please don't tell us that God reveals to Christians and non-Christians alike. The Lord Jesus said to his FOLLOWERS, "...Unto YOU it is given to know the MYSTERY of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are WITHOUT , all these things are done in parables" (Mark 4:11). And in the book of Daniel when none of the soothsayers and magicians knew the dream the king had had, of whom was it said that he reveals secrets? It was said of God who would not reveal to those who were not his servants. The secrets were revealed to Daniel. People who truly know the Bible, know these scriptures.
You ask us to show you where the Bible distinguishes between natural and spiritual water. Why do you speak as an authority on something you apparently do not know (the Scriptures)? In other words, you attempt to align Mr. Emoto's teachings with the Bible, yet obviously you do not even realize that one of the symbols in scripture of the Holy Spirit is water (St. John 4:14, among many)! You speak so much about what you believe to be in the Bible, yet it appears as though you've never read even one scripture that clearly reveals the Spirit of God as spiritual water.
You want to align understanding water with taking a step toward understanding God's word. The Lord said that he himself would write his word into the hearts of the people who seek him and that they need no man to teach them, because He Himself is our teacher. It is He who opens understanding, not water (Hebrews 8:10-11). The word of God says, "Then OPENED He (Jesus) their understanding, that they might UNDERSTAND THE SCRIPTURES" (Luke 24:45). Jesus is spiritual water. He is the only water into which man needs to peer, and to study, and to seek, and to drink from unto salvation.
People often claim that they are seeking God, yet are clever to seek Him in any and everything, but the very person of the Lord Jesus, who Himself, is our wisdom (Colossians 2:3). Also, again, we are reminding you to remain on subject. This is not about anyone being a humanitarian. We are speaking about Christianity. There are plenty of humanitarians who are not Christian.
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2012-10-01 12:53:13
Yes water is a witness to the thoughts and intentions of the hearts of those on the Earth, and thus holds many secrets along with the blood and the Spirit.
Since every living organism contains water, why is it wrong to assume that water may hold truths about life itself? Don't confuse existential truth about the nature of life with the biological process of life which Emoto was actually talking about.
Unlike you, I take the references to water in the new testament literally.
Where does the bible say he only reveals things to Christians? God weighs the heart and bestows his truths on whomever he wills. He rewards the humble and the diligent and those who seek truth. Many who call themselves Christian have no love for the truth, but only traditions of men.
Another question: A man who is not a Christian says "I've just made a discovery that proves adultery is wrong." Is he wrong because he didn't mention YHWH or YHSWH?
Whatever truth confirms the bible I am in favour of.
You are right when you say Christ is our teacher, In fact it is He who showed me that the truth Emoto was proclaiming had already been revealed by Him in the bible.
by: Max
Posted on 2012-10-01 19:46:28
To Max:
1. STATE THE SCRIPTURES THAT SAY THAT WATER HOLDS SECRET MESSAGES. The one that speaks of the water as a witness is not saying that literal water holds secret messages that can be read. We will not allow the clever trick of calling a witness a holder of secret messages. If you cannot cite any scriptures, this question again remains unanswered by you.
2. How can you possibly make sense out taking the New Testaments references to water literally? Jesus said, "But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst..." (St. John 4:14). Tell us what literal, natural water exists that we can drink and never be thirsty again? Jesus is referring to spiritual water. That is not hard to see. Only spiritual water can eternally quench spiritual thirst. Therefore, explain how you can read this scripture and deny that it is talking about SPIRITUAL water? If you cannot tell us what specific natural water a person can drink and never ever be thirsty again, we will know that you choose to reject that Jesus spoke of spiritual water.
3. You said that God does not reveal things only to Christians. Explain to us what the scripture of Mark 4:11 means (clearly spelled out in our last response to you). Simply saying that God reveals things to non-Christians while remaining totally silent on the specific scripture (Mark 4:11) that we pointed out is dodging the truth. If you give no explanation, we will consider that it is because you do not have one.
4. Explain to us why you insist on Mr. Emoto's teachings on loving one another/loving in general while remaining completely silent on the first and greatest of all commandments which is to love God (mentioned several times in our responses to you). If you again remain completely silent on the command to specifically love GOD, while harping on love in general, we will know that there obviously is a problem with focusing on loving GOD--the greatest of all commandments.
5. You completely and totally ignore the ludicrous claims that Mr. Emoto makes. These claims are dealt with in the article under the heading of: CRITICAL THINKING ON THE SUBJECT. Refute our rebuttals to his claims without straying from the topic. Again, you remain completely silent on this particular section of the article. We assume it is because you cannot refute our rebuttals, because you've been given the opportunity to do so and have responded with completely ignoring the question.
The purpose of the conversation thread is to deal specifically and scripturally with every question that is posed, and every statement that is made. We have dealt with everything you have said to us. However, you remain silent on the five points we've pointed out above. That is too many to keep letting them slip by. If even one of the five points/questions above is ignored in your next comment, rest assured that it will not be published. There is no real conversation when one party remains absolutely silent on the questions and points they do not want to deal with.
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2012-10-02 23:22:25
LOVING GOD: It is paramount. All true love comes from God because God is love. Those who love know God. But we can not know men's hearts only there fruits. I know that in my own life Dr. Emoto's work eventually led me to faith in Jesus, so in that regard I have more evidence that he loves God then you do, but as you well know I am neither his judge nor yours.
I've already shown that because water is a witness to what happens on earth it therefor holds many secrets and has memory. Please interact with that idea.
At this point I'm not aware nor did I claim that anything in the bible tells us to look specifically at water for "hidden messages", nor am I aware of any place the bible tells us explicitly about, gravity, our DNA, sub atomic particles, or much else that we have discovered which has enriched our understanding of God's creation. That said, the bible clearly tells us to investigate things and worship God with all our understanding as I've shown.
Do you believe that every statement must be an exhaustive statement of all truth? Can't I affirm that it's good to have self control without saying that I must also be patient, kind, peaceful, etc.? You speak as though it's somehow deceptive for a man to talk about how being loving is important, without mentioning Jesus. As a side note Dr. Emoto does mention God of love frequently!
MARK 4:11: There is a difference between scientific truths (Nature) and spiritual truths (Jesus), though both ultimately come from God and sometimes they overlap. You don't have to know God in Christ to make scientific discoveries. Mark 4:11 is primarily about spiritual truth. I think it's evidently absurd to suggest that only Christians have ever discovered anything.
LITERAL LIVING WATER: Yes, living water is the Holy Spirit, It is also what the physical water in our bodies becomes when the Holy Spirit (which is Love) enters into us. The physical waters in our bodies become are transformed into the living water that flows from the throne of God and of the Lamb (Rev 22:1) just as the Holy Spirit flows from the Father (John 15:26).
Do you not know that by faith you can do all things? Is it harder for God to sustain you without water then to create the angels?
How did Moses stay hydrated when he was fasting from food and water 40 days?
Anything done outside of faith is sin and the wages of sin is death, have faith and you can live with or without physical water as Moses did in Ex 34:28.
The scientific nature of Emoto's discovery, which has been confirmed extensively by Russian water scientists, has been largely ignored by your side of the discussion. How can we discuss if this idea is heretical without clearly establishing what the idea really is? And here it is: Love thyself and love others because your mostly water and water responds positively to love.
For if a person does not love himself he cannot love his neighbour, and if he cannot love his neighbour whom he has seen then he cannot love God whom he has not seen.
by: Max
Posted on 2012-10-10 15:17:05
To Max:
You write, "I know that in my own life Dr. Emoto's work eventually led me to faith in Jesus, so in that regard I have more evidence that he loves God then you do." Max, Do you realize that this is another statement from you that reveals your lack of knowledge of the scriptures? The scripture of Philippians 1:18 tells us that the apostle Paul rejoiced when the gospel was preached even by people who did NOT preach it in truth. Why did he rejoice? Because people have come to receive Jesus after hearing the preaching of people who themselves do not know Christ. Therefore, your "evidence" is not evidence according to scripture. Let's say that Mr. Emoto's book led you to Christ. The word of God does not say that that is evidence that he knows the truth of God.
Cease to try to force the idea that water holds secret messages because of the witness of the water. You ask us to interact on that idea because neither you, nor us, nor anyone else has scripture to back the ludicrous claims that Mr. Emoto has made about water holding secret messages.
You write, "Dr. Emoto does mention God of love frequently!" The mention of God does not equate to teaching biblical truth. We have just pointed out to you one of the many scriptures that reveal that people teach and preach God, yet do not know his truth.
You write, "You don't have to know God in Christ to make scientific discoveries." We ask you, in what part of our message did we ever say or even suggest such a thing?? Why then are you stating something that we never stated? Is it an argument that you seek? Or, do you truly want to discuss the scriptures? Please don't just make up things to attempt to be contrary. Deal with what we actually say in the article and in our comments. Instead of acknowledging the truth that Mark 4:11 reveals that the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven are revealed exclusively to believers, you attempt to sway away from the subject by bringing in science. We have said before: STAY ON TOPIC.
You write: "Yes, living water is the Holy Spirit, It is also what the physical water in our bodies becomes when the Holy Spirit (which is Love) enters into us." This is an absurd statement that could not be further from the truth. Anyone in the medical field would get a good laugh reading such a statement. Let a Holy Spirit filled person attempt to live without ever again drinking physical water, and you will see that he or she will die. Don't even attempt to support your inaccurate claim by mentioning the fasts that Moses and Jesus endured. If you truly knew the word of God, you would understand that there are various types of fasts. Some are supernatural in which the person can survive without food and water for periods of time that would be impossible for someone else. Anyone who attempts a supernatural fast without that fast having truly been called by God will die! This is not only medical science. This is the word of God that obviously you have not read. It would be our guess that you have no idea of where in the scriptures someone actually breaks a fast for fear of dying physically. And, that person was filled with the Holy Spirit. That is not our guess. The Bible says he was filled with the Holy Spirit of God! Be careful with attempts to support statements on scriptures when you do not really know them or what they say.
Also, we did not ask you about Russian water scientists. We asked you to answer question five. If you don't want to deal with what is in THIS article, why are you making so many comments on it? Again, here is the question you did not answer:
Question 5: You completely and totally ignore the ludicrous claims that Mr. Emoto makes. These claims are dealt with in the article under the heading of: CRITICAL THINKING ON THE SUBJECT. Refute our rebuttals to his claims without straying from the topic. Again, you remain completely silent on this particular section of the article. We assume it is because you cannot refute our rebuttals, because you've been given the opportunity to do so and have responded with completely ignoring the question.
Regarding the love of God being the greatest commandment, thank you, Max. Finally, you understand! You mention the importance of loving God--only after we have stressed it over and over and over. It was like pulling teeth! We wonder why. And, we stress it, because God stressed it.
If you would like your next comment to be published, limit it to answering question 5. We want the limitation so that it does not get conveniently "forgotten" in a bunch of words. Again, limit to answering question 5 or no approval. The purpose is to truly learn and have a back-and-forth conversation. That is the reason for not letting things slip by. We don't ignore questions that readers ask us. And, we won't permit readers to ignore what we ask them.
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2012-10-12 15:38:38
We're a small team, please be patient as we review comments.