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Manna Minutes Podcast: Eye-opening Bible study in less than five minutes! Access all episodes here.
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Estudio bíblico que nos hace abrir los ojos en menos de cinco minutos! Acceda a todos los episodios aquí.
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Augenöffnendes Bibelstudium in weniger als fünf Minuten! Alle Episoden finden Sie hier.
Lo que leemos en la Biblia tiene que ver con todos los seres humanos, sean cristianos o judíos, ateos o agnósticos, budistas, musulmanes o adherentes a alguna de las filosofías o nuevas religiones que surgen en el mundo. ¿Por qué? Ver mayor información sobre este interesante libro.
Scripture of The Day - 1 John 4:1
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world
Escritura del día - 1 Juan 4,1
Amados, no creáis a todo espíritu, sino probad los espíritus si son de Dios; porque muchos falsos profetas han salido por el mundo.
Bibelstelle des Tages - 1 Johannes 4,1
Geliebte, glaubet nicht jedem Geist, sondern prüfet die Geister, ob sie von Gott sind! Denn es sind viele falsche Propheten hinausgegangen in die Welt.
What Is the Fruit of the Holy Spirit?
Erroneous interpretation of some of the parables of Jesus as well as other biblical passages has led to confusion regarding the true and spiritual meaning of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. I capitalize the "S" because this practice is actually seen in the Bible whenever reference is being made to the Spirit of God. This is not only for the purpose of giving due honor to God, but also to eliminate any possible trace of confusion when reading scripture which speaks of the spirits that are in the supernatural world, and also of the spirits of men. Another point to be made is that while people often loosely speak of the "fruits" of the Spirit, they should actually speak of the fruit, no "s" on the end, of the Spirit in singular. There's a reason for this.
Does the Fruit of the Holy Spirit Somehow Refer to the Souls of Men?
Again, the misinterpretation of certain parables of Jesus are partially responsible for holding the belief that the fruit of the Spirit is the biblical term for souls that are won to Christ. The Bible is clear on the mandate that Jesus gave to His disciples to take His gospel to the ends of the Earth; however, although obedience to this command is closely related to what the fruit of the Spirit is, it doesn't automatically mean that the souls gained for Christ are fruit in the spirit world, in the eyes of God. No man can "preach" his way into salvation no matter how many accept Jesus as Lord after hearing his sermon. He preaches because he is saved, not in order to be saved.
The scripture of Galatians 5:22 can never be dismissed when defining the fruit of the Spirit because it's probably the most direct answer found in the Bible to the question. It reads, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperence...." God's word doesn't say that the number of people who believe on Christ after you share His word with them is fruit or that the number of people a pastor has in his church are fruit. This fruit is spiritual, not natural or physical things and people.
Jesus wants His disciples to bear the fruit of His spirit so they they can experience his power to love their enemies (Matthew 5:44), the phenomenon of unspeakable joy in the midst of tribulation (1 Peter 1:8), and peace in the midst of turmoil (St. John 14:27). He has called them to be longsuffering which is required in the winning of souls to Him and required for their own growth (II Cor. 6:4-6). Christ's servants are given power to tread on serpents, yet they are to be gentle (Luke 10:19, 2 Tim. 2:24), perform the good works He gives them to do (Heb. 13:21), have faith in him for whom all things are possible (Heb. 11:6), be meek when they speak of God's coming judgment (I Pet. 3:15), and have the temperance that should exist in a bishop (Titus 1:8).
It is of extreme importance that every follower of Jesus understand the work of the Holy Spirit, and ask for and seek the baptism of the Spirit. Below we have included links to articles that offer thorough teaching on each of the nine parts of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. We have also included links to content explaining the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues as well as a link to what it means to blaspheme the Holy Ghost and commit the unpardonable sin. We also encourage you to listen to Endow Me by The Clark Sisters who give us a good basic understanding of why every Christian must seek the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
Based on true events, The Third Man by Angela Sheffield, brings the Bible up close and personal as the characters face real issues of life: Betrayal, deceit, romance, bitterness, anger against God, hopelessness, will power, perplexity, triumph, unforgiveness, mental illness, and the "Alcohol made me do it" excuse. Read chapter one FREE now.
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