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Was There A Curse On Helen's Romantic Life?
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¿Qué tiene que ver conmigo? por Teófila Gottfried
Lo que leemos en la Biblia tiene que ver con todos los seres humanos, sean cristianos o judíos, ateos o agnósticos, budistas, musulmanes o adherentes a alguna de las filosofías o nuevas religiones que surgen en el mundo. ¿Por qué? Ver mayor información sobre este interesante libro.
Scripture of The Day - St. John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Escritura del día - San Juan 14,6
Jesús le dijo: Yo soy el camino, y la verdad, y la vida; nadie viene al Padre, sino por mí.
Bibelstelle des Tages - Johannes 14,6
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Natural Herbal Tea Remedies for Mild Pain Relief

Christian Food for Thought:
I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in HEALTH... (KJV Bible, 3 John 2)
Mild Herbs for Pain
Camomile, sometimes spelled chamomile; peppermint, burdock, catnip, and taheebo all figure on the list of natural herbal tea remedies for pain relief. However, many people have been very disappointed with the results they obtained when trying these and other herbs for pain. Why? The practice of herbal medicine requires knowledge of what you are doing because herbs are natural "drugs" that are almost always much more powerful in the treatment of disease than unnatural ones. They can, nevertheless, be potent poisons as evidenced in their historical use as an all natural "lethal injection" for executions. Generally, the one thing that chemical medicines can do a lot better than natural herbal tea remedies is relieve pain. If I could have, I would have stressed the word "mild" in the title of this read. If you have been prescribed pain relief medication, you would probably do well to take it, even if it is a narcotic unless you have a high pain tolerance. Some people do, others don't; and some, for various reasons, will understandably settle for incomplete pain relief rather than take a narcotic.
Pain Relief for Arthritis
One of the world's very best natural herbal tea remedies for arthritis, at least that I know of, is a decoction prepared from burdock root which should always be purchased in bulk form. If possible, it should be organically grown or wild crafted. A decoction is different from an infusion or tea in that it is the method preferred when the plant parts are hard such as roots, seeds, bark, or berries. The general proportions call for one heaping teaspoon to eight ounces of water in which the material is allowed to very gently simmer for at least 15 minutes. White sugar should not be used to sweeten the decoction. Burdock can be grown or purchased from a health food store. Insist on the bulk form which is the most natural.
Camomile: One of the Best Herbs for Pain to Alleviate Toothache
Although peppermint, camomile, and catnip are natural herbal tea remedies for general, mild pain relief, camomile is the most effective when it comes to a toothache--a mild one, remember. Not only is the severity of the pain important when choosing among natural herbal tea remedies, the cause of the pain should also influence your decision of which medicinal plant to use. For example, if a toothache is caused by infection, camomile will give you little or no relief at all. If the toothache is caused by simply having a deep filling, cold food or cold air hitting it, or something of the sort, camomile should work well to calm the nerve. However, one cup won't do the trick. Most people cannot obtain results with anything less than a bare minimum of two extremely strong cups drank back to back.
What is meant by strong? The flowers are the part used; they are soft and delicate, so an infusion, not a decoction is made from them. Remember, an infusion is just a fancy word for tea. Two cups of camomile tea are said to be strong when no less than four teaspoons or tea bags of herb is used to sixteen ounces of boiling-hot water. The tea should be drank as hot as you can stand it when using it for pain relief.
Natural Herbal Tea Remedies for Headache
Again, the cause of the headache should be considered when choosing an herbal remedy. Was the headache caused by exposure to fumes, cigarette smoke, a meal, being bumped on the head, a head cold, or stress? It only makes sense to get away from toxic fumes and cigarette smoke if they are the problem. Peppermint, camomile, and catnip can be very effective against some headaches if two extremely strong cups of hot tea made from them are drank. Can you mix them? Yes, you can; but, I don't know how well that works. I know how well they work individually.
Taheebo: The Little Known Herb for Pain Relief
Taheebo is the only one of the natural herbal tea remedies mentioned here with which I don't have experience. I mention it because it is reported to be effective against pain relief in cases of
cancer. The plant material is red in color and very hard; therefore, a decoction, not an infusion, would be made.
Safety of Natural Herbal Tea Remedies
There's an advantage to using herbs for pain over using man-made chemical medicines--safety. Also, their "side effects" are almost always beneficial for health in general or for a particular organ or system of the body.
Camomile, peppermint, and catnip are so safe that many parents give their very small children tea made from them. Burdock root is an actual food. Of course, there are cases in which you are always advised to consult a doctor before using even all natural herbal tea remedies for pain relief or any other purpose. Those cases include: pregnant and lactating women, children, cancer patients and anyone who is taking medications for any purpose. Be advised, however, that most medical doctors, particularly physicians in the United States, consider the use of all natural herbal tea remedies quackery.
Personal experience
Back To Eden - Revised Edition by Jethro Kloss
Herbally Yours by Penny C. Royal
Based on true events, The Third Man by Angela Sheffield, brings the Bible up close and personal as the characters face real issues of life: Betrayal, deceit, romance, bitterness, anger against God, hopelessness, will power, perplexity, triumph, unforgiveness, mental illness, and the "Alcohol made me do it" excuse. Read chapter one FREE now.
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