Outer Space and Intergalactic Travel: A Christian Perspective
Colonize Mars or Stay on Earth?
While we do not see outer space travel as a sin, we also do not see biblical support for endeavors such as the establishment of space colonies and intergalactic travel. In fact, there are a number of scriptures that might be considered messages that admonish man to remain on Earth and leave the "final frontier" alone. We read, "The heavens, even the heavens, are the LORD'S: but the earth hath he given to the children of men" (Psalm 115:16).
The heavens are outer space. The psalm says that they are for the Lord. It does not say that they were given to man. Instead, we read that Earth was given to man. When the Lord made man, where did he place him? He placed him in Eden, on Earth. He told man to subdue the Earth, not other planets (Genesis 1:28). Also, do we not consider that the scientific fact that man needs water to drink and grow food, air to breath, and he needs for the sun to be at the perfect distance so that he neither burns up nor freezes to death.
Also, the power of gravity, a force made by the Lord, has a powerful grip to hold man down on Earth. This is why no man can participate in outer space travel without traveling in a space ship. But, do the goals of rocket science agree with the Christian Bible?
Intergalactic Travel Between Space Colonies: Can the Body Tolerate It?
Man's body was not made to survive in outer space, which is why he must be encapsulated in a space suit. What does that tell us? Some have argued that harm to the physical body from outer space travel is no different than the harm (death) that a person will suffer if attempts to deep sea dive with a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCUBA). Some also point out that the cabins of airplanes are pressurized for man to fly to various places here on Earth.
The fact that airplanes are pressurized and that scuba equipment is needed to go deep under water does not compare to outer space travel. Man will not die if he falls out of a pressurized cabin. This is why people parachute out of planes. Scuba equipment is needed because man can't hold his breath under water for too long. Equipment would be needed to remain alive even in a bath tub, if you put your head under the water where you cannot breath. But neither the thin air of high altitudes nor an ocean of water will cause immediate, shocking, and utter destruction of the very form of the body of man like outer space travel outside of a space suit does.
There is not one thing in outer space that man needs to travel to in order to live or even to improve life on Earth. God has already placed the sun at a perfect distance from Earth so that the planet does not burn up or become too cold. Also, space programs are responsible for sending man made satellites into orbit--satellites that can never be recovered and that now have become "space junk." Those satellites emit microwaves that are literally cooking the Earth. The icebergs are not melting for no reason. We do not believe that this kind of destruction of the planet is the will of the Creator.
Outer Space Travel to Glorify God?
Do we need to explore the final frontier to see the glory of God so that we may give him the worship He deserves? Some have claimed that visiting space colonies and intergalactic travel would allow us to be amazed at the Lord's creation of heavenly bodies. But, that is not what the word of God says.
Romans 1:20 is one of many scriptures that tells man that the Earth is full of the glory of God. It tells us that this glory is so great that to look at the creation of God right here on Earth is evidence so great that to reject belief in the Creator is without excuse!
The Role of the Celestial Bodies
Why then did the Lord make the moon, planets, and other celestial bodies? The book of Genesis tells us that they are to be used by man to calculate the times and the seasons (Genesis 1:14). Ancient peoples, such as the Polynesians could navigate with the same precision that modern ship captains do today, though they had no compass.
Obviously we do not need to colonize Mars, other space colonies, intergalactic travel or outer space travel to see the glory of God. People in ancient times, even without a telescope, gazed up and saw the glory of a God they did not know. But, we know that they saw glory. The celestial bodies they saw from right here on Earth were so glorious to them that they actually worshiped them--the sun, the moon, the planets, shooting stars, etc.
Outer Space Travel and Intergalactic War
There are two sides to this important subject: the Christian side, and 2. The secular side. According to the secular side, we are compelled to agree with supporters of outer space travel who affirm that the U.S.A. must continue space exploration to compete against China, Russia, and even India
(the upcoming super power). According to the Christian side, however, a nation that was truly "one nation under God," does not make decisions in "disagreement" with God's word based on the secular consequences or advantages. She puts her trust in God.
In the book of Isaiah, Israel's political leaders knew that it would be in their best interest to make alliances with certain nations to have allies in war against enemy nations. That was not God's will. Looking at this from a secular point of view, most politicians would have agreed with Israel's leaders to make an alliance with those nations for national protection.
Politically speaking, it was to their advantage. Looking at it from a Christian point of view, however, we would have to say that we must go with God's decision though it did not make sense in secular eyes. On the secular side, Gideon would have done better to have a very large army of men when going into war to liberate oppressed Israel, but the Lord reduced his army down to a number that any war general would have called ludicrous--300 men (Judges 7:1-7)!
The modern nation of Israel, according to man's judgment, should never have attempted to become a nation in the face of the threats they received from the many Arab nations that allied themselves together to wipe them off of the face of the earth in. But, according to the will of God, the tiny little hated Jewish nation defeated numerous ferocious enemy nations in a shockingly short period of time!
Things done God's way just don't always make sense; they don't always seem to be the best decision, nor the safest one, nor politically advantageous. So again, if we look at outer space travel strictly from a secular point of view, leaving the consideration of God's word totally and completely out of it, we must explore the final frontier for national protection. Looking at it from a biblical point of view, we do NOT find scriptural support.
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Stars are far away, and the speed limit is 186,282 miles per second.
Why wouldn't God allow the final frontier so we could explore more? Why didn't God give life on other planets? Why didn't God create aliens? How do I explain it? Why not Interplanetary nations? Why not civilizations on different planets, with space between them? Why not traveling space like we travel the sea?
What purpose does God have? I want to know.
We don't know why God makes things that way.
I wonder why God doesn't just give us all his purposes and reasons.
Shouldn't it be about both what we need and what we want? Why doesn't God just give us more when we want it? Doesn't the same thing over and over get old and sick?
I am willing to believe that heaven will expand infinitely.
Wouldn't an infinite multiverse be greatest? Why not?
There is no scriptural answer to these questions. I don't know why.
by: Jonathan Dahlin
Posted on 2018-04-20 21:28:07
To Mr. Dahlin:
Actually, there is life in outer space, but not the kind of life most people would expect. The article explains that the Bible explains why God made those planets. We also highly encourage you to read Extraterrestrial Life: What Does the Bible Say?
Why does God not tell us all these thing...all the things we ponder about the universe? First, many questions people have are answered in the scriptures of the Bible, but people don't read or study them. Second, there are some things we do not need to know. For example, no man knows when Jesus will return. The Bible is full of all the wisdom we need to know to inherit eternal life on the other side. Why didn't God make other civilizations on those planets? For the same reason fish swim and birds fly: God determines what and how He makes everything. We certainly understand your and anyone else's curiosity about outer space. It's fascinating. However, let us simply accept the wisdom the Bible offers, and focus on the seriousness of our salvation through Jesus.
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2018-04-20 22:59:53
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