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The Third Man by Angela Sheffield is based on a true story. Read chapter one now!
Lo que leemos en la Biblia tiene que ver con todos los seres humanos, sean cristianos o judíos, ateos o agnósticos, budistas, musulmanes o adherentes a alguna de las filosofías o nuevas religiones que surgen en el mundo. ¿Por qué? Ver mayor información sobre este interesante libro.
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world
Amados, no creáis a todo espíritu, sino probad los espíritus si son de Dios; porque muchos falsos profetas han salido por el mundo.
Geliebte, glaubet nicht jedem Geist, sondern prüfet die Geister, ob sie von Gott sind! Denn es sind viele falsche Propheten hinausgegangen in die Welt.
It's believed by some that there's a realm of consciousness known as the astral plane, the fourth level, or the fourth dimension in which people can interpret dreams. This higher realm of existence is said to be the home of the secret knowledge of the worlds and even the secret to Christian dream interpretation. Intelligent and highly evolved beings that have attained such universal wisdom are believed to inhabit the utopic astral plane. These beings may be referred to as aliens, guides, or guiding lights, and among them figure Earth's masters of the wisdom of the cosmos. Among those masters are the founders and leaders of various religions systems and include such people as the Buddha and those who claim to practice biblical dream interpretation.
Many who believe in the astral plane assert that not only do dreams take place in a fourth dimension, but also that Christian dream interpretation may be achieved from contact with this realm of higher consciousness. A number of Christians have begun to take a look at such teachings, pondering whether the prophet Daniel obtained such cosmic wisdom during the time he lived in Babylon where he came into contact with astrologers who are believers in cosmic wisdom, often referred to as "wise" men.
Based on true events, The Third Man by Angela Sheffield, brings the Bible up close and personal as the characters face real issues of life: Betrayal, deceit, romance, bitterness, anger against God, hopelessness, will power, perplexity, triumph, unforgiveness, mental illness, and the "Alcohol made me do it" excuse. Read chapter one FREE now.
Copyright notice: This website and its content is copyright of © Heavenly Manna ( 2002-2016.
I have this recurring dream I must have had this dream about 5 times. I am going somewhere and lost my wallet. Some times I will dream that change from my wallet fell out. There was one dream where I was running and a car came up to me with some people in it-I gave them my wallet then later ran after them to take it back. Can you please help with the interpertation? I appreciate it very much.
by: Veronica
Posted on 2011-02-25 22:37:31
To Veronica:
As I pray about how to respond to you, the first thing that comes to mind is that it obvious that all three scenarios of your dream indicate loss of some kind. The one that should concern you most is the one in which you gave away your wallet and immediately tried to retrieve it--an indication of regret for a direct and deliberate action.What I would ask you is: what in your life may appear as though you don\t need or want it? (giving your wallet away) Though it may appear on the surface that it was an act of generosity, you mention nothing about a request being made by the people for help or that you divinely knew this is what you were to do. Yet, as soon as the wallet is out of your possession you realize you need/want it back. You come to realize it value after it gone. You do not state whether you were able to catch up to the people or not and get it back.My suggestion to you is to prayerfully read (preferably from a King James study bible) the story of Jacob and Esau paying particular attention to Esau behavior which led to his seeking forgiveness that he never received. (Hebrews 12:16-17) The story of the two brothers is found in Genesis 25:30-34 and Genesis 27 & 28:1-9. There is also reference made to Esau in the book of Romans 9:13. For a thorough understanding of the meaning of this verse I recommend reading the article: The Biblical Definition of Hate.On a more personal note, carefully consider every possible consequence of every single choice/decision you make going forward, particularly, those of a spiritual nature.Finally, with regard to your losing your wallet or the change falling from it, you don\t state how you lost your wallet. Was it mislaid, dropped from your pocket, etc. However, each form of loss points to attitudes you hold with regard to values you place on things/people. Examine who is in your life and is there anything in your relating to them that sends the message that they are taken for granted. The most careful of us may lose something from time to time and though we\ll wish we could have it returned, we\d feel some guilt if it were lost because of careless handling. Try to think if your dream revealed how the change fell from your wallet or how you lost it. Was there anything, in hindsight, that you could have done to prevent the loss. Since our wallets carry a number of items of value, the loss of the one wallet results in the loss of many things such as ID, money, and credit cards. The loss of these tangible items translate into loss of intangible things, some of which may never be returned. In other words, examine your relationships to be sure you are handling them with care. Sometimes, even though we are careful in how we relate to others whether family, co-workers, or friends we are perceived in the wrong light. Even if this is the case, depending on how important the relationship is to you, the wrong perception has to be cleared up before there is a loss. Hope this helps.
by: Vanessa at HeavenlyManna
Posted on 2011-02-27 17:51:14
Thank you soo very much Vanessa for the interpertation of this dream that seems to have been a mystery. I finally get it. It's true I do have a tendancy to neglet relationships and not do my part by following up and keep the fire burning (so to speak) In fact there is on relationship with a very dear friend that I value a lot and because of one thing or the other have not keept in touch. Again thank you very much, I really appreciate your ministry.
by: veronica
Posted on 2011-02-28 23:28:13
I had a dream that I and other people were receiving bible lessons. I was taught by a lawyer who works close to my office at work, I hardly ever talk to this guy in waking life.I felt that the dream meant that maybe God would like me to learn the bible for a purpose known by him in waking life. Im a person who usually get premonitions through dreams in real life.
by: Lydia
Posted on 2011-04-06 09:28:41
To Lydia:
The laws of the land and the laws of God are poles apart. That being said, there is no way a lawyer can be true to both. Since the lawyer in the dream is an actual person known to you and who actually is a lawyer, I tend to agree with you that you are to study your Bible in order to enable you to answer any questions raised or initiated by you during future conversations between yourself and the lawyer. Please read I Peter 3:15 which basically says: ...and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh the reason for your hope... I would sincerely seek God to know if He is leading you to be prepared to engage in future verbal exchanges with the real life lawyer. It could be that the lawyer is privately questioning spiritual things so keep in mind that it may be for you to initiate conversations and look for opportunities to introduce the subject of Salvation. This is not always an easy thing to do, however, true Christians are witnesses in the earth.
by: Vanessa
Posted on 2011-04-08 11:35:33
God started giving me dreams since last October but I can\t understand most of it. I would really appreciate if you help me out to understand a little bit even though I\m already asking GodIn my dream I was in a prayer meeting and my pastor prayed over me and prophesied over me (she a prophet in real life) saying that I\m gonna marry with a guy who was born in (she said the exact date but I can\t remember) and that my wedding is on (again she said the exact dates but I forgot; the date order was like this because in my country that how we write dates). And also she said I\m gonna meet with that person really soon. In my dream I was really concerned because I\m only 20 years old and both of my parents were born in 1967. I was dissapointed with God a little bit because I felt like that person was too old for me and as same age as my dad but at the same time I didn\t wanna disobey God and was ready to do whatever God tells me to do.
by: Sainaa
Posted on 2011-04-12 18:18:35
Another dram of mine :)
I dreamed that my dad was dead and I was crying so hard. Only few people knew about it and my other family members didn't know about it. I was so sad, frustrated and just feeling real emotional pain (I remember seeing myself in the mirror crying with so much agony). When I saw my sister I couldn't deliver the bad news and was hiding and trying to act like everything was ok but it was so hard, I barely held myself from bursting out in tears. Then when I was panicking I found out that my dad was actually alive but he almost died and people thought he was dead. I felt relieved in my dream but after waking up from my dream I was troubled.
I would really appreciate if you help :)
by: Sainaa
Posted on 2011-04-12 18:27:11
In my dream I was in a house with my other church members and with my pastors. Everybody was so alert and careful and it felt like we were doing a real serious spiritual warfare for the small town that the house was in. I didn't actually get out of the house because it was dangerious. There were two witchdoctors clothed with brown animal skin like bear and with an aminal skull on top of their head. One of them was leading the other almost like a leader and a helper. They were observing us through the windows and was waiting for an oppertunity to attack us one by one. I was walking in the house and suddenly the leader witch jumped up and started pulling my arm trying to get me out of the house but thankfully my other friends came and pulled me back and the witches ran away. I felt relieved but later again I was walking in the house and the leader witch run at me and started pulling my arm but nobody was there to help me then I thought what to do? there nobody to help me? then I don't know what happened suddenly my pastors and I we were sitting in the house on the sofa with the witch that was pulling me. We shared the gospel with him and he received Christ and took him animal costum off and the other witch followed him and got saved. When they took off their animal costum they were just normal people with white boxers and shirt.
by: Sainaa
Posted on 2011-04-12 18:48:10
To Sainaa:
This is in response to your dream of being in the house with other church members and pastors and the witchdoctors being outside of the house... Both attacks by the witchdoctor were against you. But he wasn’t able to hurt you. The dream did not reveal what happened from the time of the second attack til the time of the witchdoctors receiving Christ. Whatever happened had something to do with you (not the other Christians) and the witchdoctor. Please read Acts 11: 1-18. The other Christians in this passage didn\t understand what had been revealed to Peter alone. He was to help them understand after having done what he was directed by the Holy Spirit to do. There are true Christians who are not able to help those people find deliverance. The fact that the witchdoctor kept grabbing you, even though there were other Christians around says to me that there must have been some sense that you were the one to help him to begin to be free even though your friends had a part in his and his follower deliverance. Though it was dangerous for you to go outside where there were many, the conversion of the witchdoctor and his follower would lead to many of the others accepting Christ even if they were just following the witchdoctor. I Corinthians 11:1, Paul said: ...follow me as I follow Christ. Those people you were doing spiritual warfare against followed the witchdoctor. They would follow him after his conversion also. Ask God how he wants to uniquely use you.
by: Vanessa of Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2011-04-15 01:58:43
To Sainaa:
Two of your dreams are along the same line. The one of you and friends doing spiritual warfare and the one I\m about to comment on. Both have to do with you and your lack of faith that God wants to, and will, if you let Him, use you in powerful ways. In the dream of your pastor prophesying over you about the husband: First of all, when God wants to do or give us something for our personal lives, He will speak directly to us. What might get in the way of our hearing Him is having little regard for ourselves, our thoughts, or abilities to be used by God in great ways. Always looking to someone we consider greater than ourselves for answers/instructions.In your dream, you state that you were disappointed because you felt God wanted you to marry someone as old as your dad. Yet, at the same time you didn\t want to disobey God and that you were ready to do whatever God wanted you to. This is the kind of heart God is looking for... But, be extremely careful that what you hear comes from God. And especially those messages we get from others that we intend to act on.Please read the entire 13th Chapter of I Kings paying special attention to verses 11, 18, and 20. Take them personally. Read towards the end of the chapter how the old prophet mourned for and buried the other prophet leading me to believe he didn\t really mean harm to come to him. If you have to fast to learn how to know when God is speaking to you it will well be worth the sacrifice.
by: Vanessa
Posted on 2011-04-15 17:24:45
Hi please help me. I had a dream I was sitting in my desk in the office (I sit next to a window) then these things started falling from the sky but they never hit me. So I told my manager I was going home. While walking home the sun became dark (covered in some black ash) and there was chaos all around me like a woman lost control of her car and hit a post. I wasn't worried or in distress I just kept on walking home. Then I woke up. Please help me understand what this means.
by: Ann
Posted on 2011-06-13 21:19:48
To Ann:
I apologize for taking so long to get back to you. Parts of your dream raise questions, you told your manager that you were going home instead of asking permission. You also were able to find your way home without any trouble despite the chaos around you which was caused by the diminished sight of everyone else. The key is you weren't worried. Your dream is a good one, at least for you. The fact you told your manager you were going home says there are things you have already made up your mind about without worrying about the consequences. You have decided what is important with respect to eternity and this temporary existence. Your decision in the dream says that despite a person status or position of power in this life, you decide what is best for you. You walked home. Our Christian experience is referred to as our walk with the Lord. The home in your dream is not a literal home, but your eternal home that you made it to safely.I'm wondering what type of people you work with and if you have opportunity to witness to them since in your dream it seems everyone else was in chaos. Finally,true Christians want to bear fruit. What is it the Lord wants from you concerning the lost around you? While the dream showed you at your job, what work have you been called to with regard to your spiritual work? If you are not sure, Proverbs 3:6 says: In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct thy paths. Hope this helps.Vanessa
by: Vanessa at HeavenlyManna
Posted on 2011-06-17 12:59:12
Hi Vanessa,
Thank you very much for your response. It has made me look at the dream from a different angle such as the fact that I did not ask for permission to leave work but just went and also about the chaos around me and what it meant. I will definitely pray for guidance to understand what my spiritual calling is. Thank you again you have been of great help.
by: Ann
Posted on 2011-06-22 22:09:03
Dream #1 Only person I recognized in this dream was **** (name removed) - Neice Step-dad. There were other people, but I didn\\\\t know any of them. We were sitting on what appeared to be picnic tables. Not sure where we were at. I didn\\\\t see a beach or ocean. We saw huge waves coming towards us. The waves carried the tables we were sitting at. Didn\\\\t take long for the waves to keep pushing us under water. At the swell of the wave I could see a man smiling face with his arms outstreched towards me. Kind of like he wanted me to come. I kept struggling against the waves trying to make it. After a very long struggle I finally made it to the surface gasping for air and very scared. This person I saw pulled me up the rest of the way and held me cause I was too scared to move. The face was what really struck me. It was the most loving smiling face. A comfort after the struggle I had just been through.
by: Jamie
Posted on 2011-06-30 22:51:33
Dream #2 6/29/2011I was at work. This place was not my usual workplace. It looked more like a camp retreat type place. My real life boss and IT person were there. Anyway I was at work. My boss was having me do a project. Something wasn\\\\t going right so our IT guy was there looking at the computer. I got a phone call and was answering those questions about the EDRS system (this is a system we use to register Death and Birth certificates) and in the meantime our IT guy left. I still had some more questions for him so I start searching for him and couldn\\\\t find him. Meanwhile my cellphone is missing so I am crawling around the floor trying to find it and finally found it behind a couch (no couch at real life work). The phone was ringing. It was **** (name removed) (she is real life youth pastor at church) She said let me ask you a question. It almost your birthday. (It not...not for several more months). I need your help. After service Sunday we want to do something after pastor finishes. Will you help us. We want to give this person a wet willie as a prank. She said something about sermon being on Psalms 103. I never did answer her, but was left confused. She knows when my birthday really is. Then I woke up.
by: Jamie
Posted on 2011-06-30 22:52:11
To Jamie:
Water suddenly, sweeping you under is trouble coming. At the swell of the wave the man face appeared with outstretched arms but for whatever reason you kept struggling instead of moving towards those outstretched arms. The man, as you probably have figured out was representative of Christ. Ask yourself why is it that you didn't move towards him? You continued to struggle telling me you thought you could save yourself. Sometimes, we think we know best how to get ourselves out of a struggle. We just don't want to do it God's way. We depend on ourselves--we're more in control that way. After trying and failing, He still there with outstretched arms to help us. The person recognized in the dream... Is this someone in real life who offers advice, if so, is it often contrary to what you think? If you were in trouble would this person help? Dreams are funny in that you recognized the person in the dream as someone you actually know--someone you don't know, however, may offer advice. See that you give serious consideration to what is said. I don't know who the others were except they're casual acquaintances who have no special significance.
Advice...Weigh decisions carefully. The coming trouble may be real trouble or emotional anguish that could be avoided. Read Proverbs 27:19 In your dream your two faces spoke without words being uttered. Should you find yourself in trouble, read and remember: Psalm 69:17.
by: Vanessa
Posted on 2011-07-03 19:36:29
To Jamie:
The IT person left before answering your questions and didn't return. Think, could you have finished your project without getting your questions answered? If no, would you attempt to venture into IT to finish on time. Study God's Word for yourself and trust Him for understanding despite the credentials/position of those you see more qualified. The phone call stating it almost your birthday--not true, then jumping to asking your help to play prank... Your silence and confusion says you're weak in speaking up about your convictions. This could be because you either respect the position or title of the person approaching so much so that you let them have it their way to avoid being disrespectful or confrontational. Just as you knew it was not almost your birthday but didn't correct her, you knew it's not right to play prank, but doubted your convictions thinking you'd be seen as "holier than thou."
The EDRS system fits with Psalm 103, particularly, verses 15 & 16. Any concessions you make to the detriment of the truth does no favor to anyone.
by: Vanessa
Posted on 2011-07-03 19:39:04
Hi Vanessa,I had another dream and I was wondering if you could assist me. In my dream we were having a party and some of my sisters were there. All of a sudden the door bell rung. One of my sisters went to open the door and there was this girl holding a gun who shot her and shot her several times. While she was doing this she kept on mumbling something which gave the rest of us time to hide. From where I was hiding I could clearly see her (which was what I was doing just staring into her eyes) but I was afraid she would also shoot me because she could also see me but when she finished shooting my sister she just walked off. The next thing I remember is I was in bed and I was receiving all these text messages of condolences while the rest of my other sisters started arranging the funeral. Please tell me what that means, I am a bit worried.
by: Ann
Posted on 2011-07-06 00:16:05
Hi Vanessa its me again. I had a second dream involving the sister who was shot above on the same night. We were driving in her car then she saw something and hit the brakes. Behind us was a huge car with those round tanks. It tried to also break but the tanks broke into three parks and started following us. My sister decided to speed on to avoid collusion but we came to a woody area so she could no longer drive. I told her to gt out and run. The tanks were catching up pouring some acid like substance all over to I told her to jump to the side. We got up and saw all the mess these tanks had made. She then saw police men coming and she decided we should act like we were hurt and lie to them to avoid charges. They came to me first and I tried to look hurt got up in a pretense started yelling wheres my sister. I then told the lie but it didn't make sense and the police knew this. Please tell me what this means. Do note I was thinking of buying her car but recently changed my mind. Thanks a lot for your help.
by: Ann
Posted on 2011-07-06 04:54:32
To Ann:
In first dream a party usually includes drinking and other activities not becoming Christian behavior. Whether you and/or your sister are Christians unlearned in the basics of God's word, backsliders or sinners, the dreams are a warning that changes need to be made in both your ways of evaluating or justifying things/behaviors. Your being in bed while others made funeral arrangements means you were more greviously affected than others. Say and do the "righteous" things, (not necessarily the agreeable things) with your sister so if a tragedy does happen you'll have no regrets. The girl shot your sister several times, an indication she meant for her to die for sure. Keep in mind, dreaming of death could mean either physical or spiritual death. Things for both of you to consider: If you, your sister, or both of you are Christians, see to it that you walk truly upright, not half-stepping and excusing unchristian behavior. If you are backsliden, hightail it back into the ark of safety as fast as you can. If you are sinners, say the sinners prayer (see Heavenly Manna's home page, type sinner's prayer in the search box) before a tragedy strikes.
In the second dream, again the plan of the enemy (Satan, either using agents or direct attack) is to for sure destroy your sister (either physically or spiritually) and involve you in her destruction. You need to be assertive and strong for both your sakes.
by: Vanessa
Posted on 2011-07-07 19:12:26
To Ann:
When your sister hit the brakes there was the huge car behind you with the tanks that broke into three parts, then the woody area blocking your way--all meant for your sister's "for sure" destruction.
In the first dream, you were no help to your sister. In the second dream you told her to get out and run. You told her to jump to the side to avoid the acid. Your common sense instructions spared her life. Your sister's death (spiritual or physical) doesn't have to happen. Once safe and police showed up your sister was back giving instructions. She hatched a lie. Lying to the police, bad even though it seemed justified to avoid trouble. You made good decisions that spared both of you. Your sister made the decision to speed (I believe any of us would have made the same decision to get away from the huge car) Your sister made the decision to lie (I believe most of us would have done the same given the situation) The point, however, is that maybe there shouldn't have been a party and your sister shouldn't have been on that road in the first place.
In the second dream you told her to get out and run. You told her to jump to the side to avoid the acid. Your common sense instructions spared her life. Your sister's death (spiritual or physical) doesn't have to happen. Once you guys were safe and the police showed up and your sister was back giving instructions a lie was hatched that wasn't believed anyhow.
by: Vanessa
Posted on 2011-07-07 19:22:25
Lying to the police, seemed justified to avoid trouble. You made good decisions that spared both of you. Your sister made the decision to speed (I believe any of us would have made the same decision to get away from the huge car) Your sister made the decision to lie (I believe most of us would have done the same given the situation) The point, however, is that maybe there shouldn't have been a party and your sister shouldn't have been on that road in the first place.
Read the fifth chapter of Daniel. Belshazzar's fate was sealed. Your sister's, at this point, is not. However, if the dreams mean a spiritual death, some people, once spiritually dead soon meet with physical death without being spiritually restored.
by: Vanessa
Posted on 2011-07-07 19:24:30
Please help me interpret the following dreams...20-6-2011While away,i became worried because i left my travel passport under my pillow.4-7I was in a banking hall where a banker gave me an ATM card with my names on it.11-7I registered in order to attend a program.11-7 I was in an elevator with some persons but notable amongst them was a church member.We went to the third floor of a particular building and later returned to the ground floor. 11-7I saw a message on the screen of a computer that Adrian wanted to send me a used car.12-7I saw three mechanics working on some cars.15-7 my female cousin had a graduation party after a sewing
course.17-7 I heard my name and when i woke up in real life there was nobody calling me.17-7I was running and i saw a female neighbor carrying some baby items but i told her that i could not help her with
the load because i was going through another street.I continued running till i got to a place where i saw some things but notable amongst them was the tail of a living rat but i jumped/passed over
them all.Many thanks.
by: Seyi
Posted on 2011-07-17 22:54:23
Hi,I had strange dreams the past week.The first one was:I had a dream a few days ago where I was at a wild camp or something. I saw a Lion with very long legs and I was amazed and the next thing these awful creature appeared. I run away into a building and tried to hide behind a door and behind the door was a little girl with long blond curly hair and a very bright pink jersey on. I woke up but I can still remember the fear I had for those creatures.The second one was about a Hippo. someone was watching over the 2 hippos. The VERY bid one fell over on the man and everyone laughed. The hippo jump up again but the man was sleeping.
by: Juanita
Posted on 2011-07-19 10:38:05
To Seyi:
You have not given me enough information. For instance, banker giving you an ATM card with your names on it--your real names? how many names? What happened before giving the card? Was it your regular place of banking? In the elevator with people and your noticing the church person--was it someone who attends church with you in real life? Is this person a true Christian in your opinion? One thing about an elevator, you can only go up or down. It's troubling that all of you went only to the third floor. Were there higher floors? Was there an elevator operator? There had to be more to these dreams than the one liners you have provided. I see some similarities so there is a main message.
by: Vanessa
Posted on 2011-07-20 02:28:10
To Juanita:
I believe the long-legged lion and the creatures represent people who are now in your life or people you'll later meet. The lion, as the Bible says, goes about seeking whom he may devour (I Peter 5:8) But he often uses people. The lion is someone you now, or will come to admire. Be careful of thinking too highly of new acquaintances before you come to know what they believe or stand for no matter how nice, friendly, or genuine they may seem. The camp and creatures are environments and people you will be around as a result of your relationship with the lion/person you admire or are amazed by. The building was shelter from the creatures and the little girl, I believe, is representative of your trusting self.
Regarding the second dream, ask yourself what type people would laugh at a very large hippo falling on a man? (the creatures) The man, once the hippo was off of him was left sleeping--a state of inactivity. He obviously meant good towards the hippos since he was watching over them. Despite warnings, you like many of us often end up interacting with people who after a while are much less desirable than when you first met them and you may want to withdraw. If a friend or relative gets involved because they care about your troubles (the hippos) that person may also suffer (hippo falling on him).
The good out of all of this is that you found shelter and the man was not killed by the hippo falling on him. Of course we know our shelter is in Jesus.
by: Vanessa
Posted on 2011-07-26 11:47:22
I had a dream that my boss gave me a gold and black bible as a parting gift when I was moving to another job within the company. He was a good boss to me but I was seeking a new direction in my career.
Unknown to me was that the new boss(who was the most friendly people I had known) would turn out to be a spiritually troubled negative person who completely poured out the most negative energy toward me, even though I was very helpful in the group. We had some disagreement regarding the lack of proper guidance and direction needed in the group. I was the one who pointed it out because things were going south in terms of the business.
It turned out to be the worst spiritual attack experience I had ever encountered.It was so negative and there was a presence of pure evil. I feel she was just a vessel through which the evil attacked me.
I have never sought or relied on God as much I did during this time. The situation helped me to grow much closer to God and to recognize that on my journey in life I must always maintain contact with God.
If it weren't for the memory of the dream, and my faith, I would have fallen apart.
This is not the first time I have been forewarned of danger in my dream, and experience the materialization of that danger. It's so surreal to see the premonition materialize.
God is real. He is sooo real. I love him and I trust him and I know that I am here for the sole purpose of getting to know him.
One day I will be returned to him because he is my true Father. I am forever attached to him from the core of my heart. I feel his love and I know he speaks to me. I trust him.I love him and I look forward to going back to him some day because I belong with him. He is the best!!!!
by: Marie
Posted on 2011-10-01 16:20:43
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