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A Tutorial on Infinitive Verbs in Spanish

Let's begin our tutorial over infinitive verbs in Spanish with the important reminders listed below:
1. Some verbs may be followed directly by an infinitive.
2. Some verbs take "a" before an infinitive.
3. Some verbs take "en" before an infinitive.
4. Some verbs take "de" before an infinitive.
5. Some verbs take "con" before an infinitive.
We begin with some verbs that may be followed directly by an infinitive. They include, but are not limited to:
temer - to be afraid to
ordenar - to order
conseguir - to succeed in/at, to manage to
prometer - to promise to
oír - to hear
ver - to see
ofrecer - to offer
decidir - to decide
creer - to believe/to think
sentir - to be sorry/to regret
Now let's see examples of some of these infinitive verbs in Spanish:
1. The pharaoh ordered the killing of baby boys in Egypt. - El faraón ordenó matar a los bebés varones en egipto.
2. We decided to drop the class. - Decidimos darnos de baja de la clase.
3. She thinks she can have it ready by tomorrow. - Cree poder tenerlo listo para mañana.
4. I heard the owl screech. - Oí chillar el búho.
5. He managed to unclog the bathroom sink. - Consiguió destapar el lavamanos.
Verbs that Take "a" Before an Infinitive
In our tutorial over infinitive verbs in Spanish, we now come to the verbs that take "a" before an infinitive. Some of them are:
decidirse a - to decide to (Remember, "decidir" does not take "a" before an infinitive.)
renunciar a - to renounce
animar a - to encourage to
negarse a - to refuse to
disponerse a - to get ready to
echar(se) a - to begin to
invitar a - to invite to
cuidar a - to take care (Note: you may say either cuidar a or cuidar de.)
llegar a - to succeed in/to get to
And now for some sentences using these verbs:
1. Peter quit his job. - Pedro renunció a su trabajo.
2. They refuse to rewrite the report. - Se niegan a reescribir el informe.
3. The firemen prepared to go into the building - Los bomberos se disponían a entrar al edificio.
4. We began to encourage her to defend herself. - Nos echamos a animarle a defenderse.
"Con" Before an Infinitive
Infinitive verbs in Spanish that take "con" before an infinitive include:
soñar - to dream
contar - to depend/rely/count on
amenazar - to threaten
1. We dream of vacationing in Paris. - Soñamos con estar de vacaciones en París.
2. She can depend on him. - Ella puede contar con él.
3. They threatened to retaliate. - Amenazaron con tomar represalias.
"De" Before an Infinitive
The following infinitive verbs in Spanish are among those that take "de" before an infinitive:
presumir de - to boast about
jactarse de - to boast about
terminar de - to stop/quit, to finish
arrepentirse de - to regret
avergonzarse de - to be ashamed of
1. He boasted about winning the fight. - Presumió de haber ganado la pelea.
2. She boasted about passing the test. - Se jactó de haber pasado el examen.
3. We are not ashamed of sharing the gospel of Jesus. - No nos avergonzamos de compartir el evangelio de Jesús.
"En" Before an Infinitive
Finally, we come to the infinitive verbs in Spanish that take "en" before an infinitive. They include:
empeñarse en - to insist on/be determined to
tardar en - to delay in/be a long time doing
dudar en - to hesitate over
vacilar en - to hesitate over
consentir en - to agree/consent to
quedar en - to agree to
1. We were hesitant about signing the contract. - Vacilábamos en firmar el contrato.
2. He insists on having his way - Empeña en salirse con la suya.
3. I won't consent to giving out that information. - No consiento en divulgar esa información.
An important fact to keep in mind about language learning is that neither knowing the rules of grammar nor memorizing vocabulary lists leads to the ability to communicate in the language. You learn a language by being exposed as much as possible to it, by listening to native speakers and repeating what you hear. It must be a natural process, because you learned your mother tongue before you could study grammar, punctuation, vocabulary lists, and even before you were literate. With all of that said, hopefully, this review on infinitive verbs in Spanish has been helpful in your efforts to speak Spanish.
Christian Food for Thought
It was rebellion against God approximately 10,000 years ago that resulted in the destruction of a one-world language--consequences that still endure to this day. "And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language. And this they begin to do; and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down and there confound their language that they may not understand one another's speech" (KJV, Gen. 11:5-6). It takes much time and dedication for man to learn just one foreign language; but, his Creator knows them all!
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Based on true events, The Third Man by Angela Sheffield, brings the Bible up close and personal as the characters face real issues of life: Betrayal, deceit, romance, bitterness, anger against God, hopelessness, will power, perplexity, triumph, unforgiveness, mental illness, and the "Alcohol made me do it" excuse. Read chapter one FREE now.
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