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The Third Man by Angela Sheffield is based on a true story. Read chapter one now!
Lo que leemos en la Biblia tiene que ver con todos los seres humanos, sean cristianos o judíos, ateos o agnósticos, budistas, musulmanes o adherentes a alguna de las filosofías o nuevas religiones que surgen en el mundo. ¿Por qué? Ver mayor información sobre este interesante libro.
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world
Amados, no creáis a todo espíritu, sino probad los espíritus si son de Dios; porque muchos falsos profetas han salido por el mundo.
Geliebte, glaubet nicht jedem Geist, sondern prüfet die Geister, ob sie von Gott sind! Denn es sind viele falsche Propheten hinausgegangen in die Welt.
Based on true events, The Third Man by Angela Sheffield, brings the Bible up close and personal as the characters face real issues of life: Betrayal, deceit, romance, bitterness, anger against God, hopelessness, will power, perplexity, triumph, unforgiveness, mental illness, and the "Alcohol made me do it" excuse. Read chapter one FREE now.
Copyright notice: This website and its content is copyright of © Heavenly Manna ( 2002-2016.
I'm sorry, I took it for granted that you'd realized I'd looked at this link.
You are referring to the numbered paragraphs under the heading "statements"? Yes, they are mostly factual, but if I reel off a number of true things it doesn't mean I'm speaking God's word.
You seem to have misunderstood me. It's not that I wish to remain anonymous or something like that; I just thought it would be easier to continue messaging through email instead of switching to a different post each time the comment thread became closed. I understand if you have no wish to.
by: LC
Posted on 2016-12-12 07:05:09
To LC:
You say the things stated by the Bible (under the heading Statements) are "mostly" factual. History and science prove they are one hundred percent accurate and factual. Now please explain your statement that they are only mostly factual to back up what you stated. You can select any of the statements that appear under the Statements heading. Also, explain how these things were known before science became a discipline. We apologize for being stern when it comes to requiring specific answers. But we've learned it's the way to keep people from making general statements they don't support with proof or facts. And it prevents straying from the topic on which the article focuses.
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2016-12-12 11:48:51
Don't worry, I understand.
1. I think it would be easiest if I quoted some etymological research I found online:
"The critical line in Hebrew reads (transliterated and omitting vowels): hyshb 'l hwg h'rtz, which my colleague Dr. Robert Suder translates: "the one dwelling on the circle/horizon of the land."
A survey of Hebrew lexica and theological wordbooks yields much information about the key word hwg (chûgh). According to K. Seybold, its root appears six times in biblical Hebrew, and it is clear from its usage in context that it has a specifically geometrical meaning, that is, "a circle, as drawn with compasses."
In Job 26:10 and Prov. 8:27, chûgh is used with choq, meaning "to inscribe a circle." This nominal infinitive form also appears in Job 22:14, where it denotes "the circle of the heavens" (shamayim), and in Isa. 40:22a, where it denotes "the circle of the earth" (haarets). Sir. 43:1218 uses chûgh in describing the rainbow.
Finally, in Isa. 44:13, mechûghah, a hapax legomena (a form used only once), means "a compass," i.e., that simple instrument people my age used to draw circles in high school geometry class."
2. I don't know what you mean by it being interesting that the Bible mentions cavemen. There nothing surprising about the Bible mentioning people who lived in caves, a common practice even today (e.g. in China).
3. People and animals many thousands of years ago died through loss of blood; just because biology was not taught in school (indeed it only came into the curriculum in the 1800s), it doesn't mean people did not know these basic facts.
by: LC
Posted on 2016-12-13 01:49:26
4. This can hardly be counted as divinely-inspired fact. Many astronomers in Antiquity, and even laymen, have attempted counting the stars and failed.
5. See what I said as regards the third statement.
6. And, again, see the third statement. Agriculture has been practiced for at least 9000 years, and the basis of agriculture is that two beings of the same species and of opposite genders will create offspring of the same species.
by: LC
Posted on 2016-12-13 01:49:43
To LC:
1. You state that the Hebrew word used in Isaiah 40:22 refers to "a circle, as drawn with compasses." Were this the case, the author would have said, "He sitteth IN the circle of the earth." Instead, we read, "He sitteth UPON the circle of the earth." You sit IN a flat circle, but UPON a sphere--big difference. This lets us know the prophet was not referring to a flat circle.
2. You don't see what's so fascinating about the Bible mentioning cavemen? If this was common knowledge, why don't other ancient texts mention this? Why did archaeologists have to discover it?
3. When the Bible says life is in the blood, it is NOT talking about dying from losing blood. The scripture of Leviticus 17:10-11 says God told His people not to EAT blood, because life is in it. It says nothing about bleeding to death. Blood contains bacteria, which is life. A bacterium is a living organism. This microscopic life in the blood can cause deadly disease. It did back then, and it does today. How would the authors have known of this life in the blood without having microscopes? THIS IS A DIRECT QUESTION.
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2016-12-13 16:32:24
To LC.
4. You state, "...astronomers in Antiquity, and even laymen, have attempted counting the stars and failed." Galileo is considered the father of astronomy--the beginning of astronomy. Explain then how God's prophet, Jeremiah who lived thousands of years before Galileo, knew the stars can't be counted. Keep in mind that the Bible was written between approximately 1450 BC and 100 AD. That is thousands of years before the "father" of astronomy was born.
5. We've answered number five.
6. You state, "Agriculture has been practiced for at least 9000 years, and the basis of agriculture is that two beings of the same species and of opposite genders will create offspring of the same species."
From where did man learn to plant the seeds or bulbs of the crop he wanted to grow? From where did he learn to mate animals to get offspring of the same species? We read in Genesis that Adam and Eve were evicted from the Garden of Eden. Outside of the garden they began to work the land. In other words, they began to farm. Remember, Adam walked and talked with God. He knew FROM GOD, not from science or experimentation that a species produces offspring like itself. We read, "Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden to TILL THE GROUND from whence he was taken" (Genesis 3:23). Who would have taught Adam to till the ground? You see, when the Bible has proven infallibility in everything it says, it's only reasonable and sensible to trust it when we read the first man ever created knew how to work the land, having no mortal father who could have passed such knowledge down to him.
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2016-12-13 16:52:26
1. You would stand in the outline of a circle, and would stand on (say) a circle made of paper. Evidently this planet is not a mere outline.
2. I don't see, at least in the paragraph provided in this post, that it mentions Neanderthals specifically. Cavemen exist today, and in the time the Bible was written, so, again, there's nothing suprising about them being mentioned. People who lived in houses are, no doubt, also mentioned.
3. Neither does Leviticus mention anything about oxygen or bacteria, so you have no proof for that, I'm afraid. Therefore, in answer to your "direct question", they didn't necessarily know of either the bacteria or the molecules.
4. Possibly he knew they couldn't be counted because he tried and failed. Maybe he is just speaking poetically, or figuratively.
5. Not really. I'd appreciate it if you could go into it more.
6. He learnt by experimentation, by watching the natural world; an acorn, falling from a tree, the shoot appearing... The same way man learnt to hunt, learnt to build. Again, it's not much cop to quote the Bible if you can't provide any proof for what it states.
by: LC
Posted on 2016-12-14 13:06:02
1. Spherical shape of earth: Jesus said, when speaking of what is popularly called the Rapture, "I tell you in that night there shall be two men in one bed; one shall be taken, and the other shall be left. Two women shall be grinding together; one shall be taken, and the other left. Two men shall be in the field; one shall be taken, and the other left" (Luke 17:34-36). This shows Jesus' knowledge of a spherical earth, which only makes sense; He created earth. We see He's speaking of the various time zones. Some are in bed, while others are at work in the field. While we can say some people sleep during the day, we cannot say that people worked the field by night. That was not their practice. And Jesus specifically mentioned the night in the passage. He spoke of night and day activities taking place at the same time. He's plainly telling us that it is day in some parts of the world while it is night in others. That would be impossible, and a silly thing to say if He thought earth was a flat circle, in which case it would be day all the time since the sun is shining somewhere all the time. But to say that it is day in some places when it is night in others proves He not only knew earth is spherical, He also knew it rotates, allowing all sides to receive sunlight at different times. The Bible says the Spirit of Christ was in ALL God's prophets. Therefore, the prophet Isaiah, when he spoke of the circle of the earth, also spoke of a sphere, being moved by the same Spirit of God who was in Christ. And remember, Christ also lived ages before Galileo, the "father" of astronomy.
2. First of all, the word "neanderthal" would never appear in the Bible, because neanderthals did not exist. Scientists claim they were a link in the chain of evolution--not fully homo sapien. The Bible maintains that God made man, NOT that he evolved. Why in the world would you expect a name like "neanderthal", a name used in evolution theory to be mentioned in the Bible?! And, you did not answer our question of why cavemen are not mentioned in other ancient texts if it was such common knowledge. Again, this is a direct question. If it is ignored again, further comments of yours will also be ignored.
3. It is foolish to expect to find modern words like "bacteria" in any ancient text. Reasonable people learn to recognize when the same thing is being said. Again, bacteria is LIFE. And in this case, the Bible says "life". And the people knew there was LIFE in the blood during a time there were no microscopes. So now tell us to what life do you think scripture was referring when it said "life is in the blood." Call it bacteria, virus, germs, "little beasties", and anything else; you have no logical explanation for people even knowing blood contains life! So, explain how they knew this before the time of microscopes. THIS IS A DIRECT QUESTION.
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2016-12-15 12:48:16
To LC:
4. All you can say is "Maybe he is just speaking poetically, or figuratively." No, that is impossible, because rational thinking tells us to look at Isaiah as a writer. He is the God-inspired author of the book of Isaiah which is very long, so we have ample exposure to his writings. He wrote prophecies, which took place, and are verifiable in TODAY'S world. He was a serious, factual, and accurate writer. Why would all of the book of Isaiah be factual, except this tiny little part that calls the earth a sphere? That doesn't match with any form of critical thinking, logic, or reason.
5. Go into what a little more?
6. And YOU can provide proof that he learned to till the ground and hunt by observing? How in the world does a man learn to hunt by observation when there's no one else in the world to observe? Not only are you not disproving anything in scripture, your comments are becoming less and less logical and reasonable. You might argue, "But I don't believe Adam and Eve were the only people in the world, just because that's what the Bible says." In light of the fact that not even trained scientists can disprove the Bible, or furnish answers to the questions we've put forth, it's logical to say, "Hmm, the Bible is infallible in science, history, prophecy, meteorology, etc. Why would it be so accurate in those things, and so inaccurate in its spiritual teachings?" We can fight, scratch and claw against God's Word all we want. No scientist has ever been able to refute anything in God's Word (the Holy Bible), nor will they ever be able to refute it. However, you have free will to choose not to believe. If that is what you choose, go right ahead. We cannot take away the free will that God gave to you and everyone else. But, please remember the same infallible Bible says, "As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. So then everyone of us shall give account of himself to God" (Romans 14:11-12.
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2016-12-15 12:48:29
I have read this article and the entire conversation between LC and Heavenly Manna. I have learned a whole lot about how people try to argue against the scriptures of the Holy Bible, the Word of the living God. I'm also learning how to answer them. Some people are going to be so sorry that they rejected truth and God's grace.
by: H.H.
Posted on 2016-12-15 12:52:42
We're a small team, please be patient as we review comments.