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Truth really can be stranger than fiction.

First Page - Now launched! All the stories are true, or based on real events. Unlimited reading for $4.99 / month. No downloads. Read on your phone, tablet or computer.

La verdad puede ser más extraña que la ficción.

First Page - ¡Ya está en marcha! Todas las historias son verídicas, o están basadas en hechos reales. Lectura ilimitada por $4.99 / mes. No hay que descargar nada. Lea en su teléfono, tableta u ordenador.

Manna Minutes Christian Podcast

Manna Minutes Podcast: Eye-opening Bible study in less than five minutes! Access all episodes here.

Manna Minutes en español:

Estudio bíblico que nos hace abrir los ojos en menos de cinco minutos! Acceda a todos los episodios aquí.

Manna Minutes Podcast auf Deutsch:

Augenöffnendes Bibelstudium in weniger als fünf Minuten! Alle Episoden finden Sie hier.

The Third Man by Angela Sheffield

Was There A Curse On Helen's Romantic Life?

The Third Man by Angela Sheffield is based on a true story. Read chapter one now!

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Teofila Gottfried book

¿Qué tiene que ver conmigo? por Teófila Gottfried

Lo que leemos en la Biblia tiene que ver con todos los seres humanos, sean cristianos o judíos, ateos o agnósticos, budistas, musulmanes o adherentes a alguna de las filosofías o nuevas religiones que surgen en el mundo. ¿Por qué? Ver mayor información sobre este interesante libro.

Scripture of The Day - 1 John 4:1

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world

Escritura del día - 1 Juan 4,1

Amados, no creáis a todo espíritu, sino probad los espíritus si son de Dios; porque muchos falsos profetas han salido por el mundo.

Bibelstelle des Tages - 1 Johannes 4,1

Geliebte, glaubet nicht jedem Geist, sondern prüfet die Geister, ob sie von Gott sind! Denn es sind viele falsche Propheten hinausgegangen in die Welt.

traducciones inglés español

Questioning the Tao of Yin and Yang Energies


What Are Yin and Yang Forces?

According to the principles of yin and yang, all things in the universe are governed by the Tao, a term that roughly refers to an unknown and all powerful force or energy of life (Richard Hooker). This supposed ultimate power is composed of yang and its opposite, yin. Each is a power that moves upon all things animate and inanimate according to its characteristics. Yang is said to be a force that is positive in its purposes. It is related to things such as the male gender, the power to create, heat, light, and strength.

Yin is related to negativity and things such as the female gender, the power to destroy, coldness, darkness, and weakness. It is believed that the two powers oppose each other. They are symbolized by two simple fish-like drawings, one white, the other black. The head part of the white drawing is depicted at the foot of the black figure and the head of the black drawing appears at the foot of the white figure. The two form a circle to demonstrate that, despite their opposition to each other, yin is destined to become yang; and yang is destined to become yin.

Applying Yin and Yang Theory to Real Life

Keeping their different characteristics in mind, this is the equivalent of affirming that what is positive will ultimately become negative, which in turn is destined to become positive again. So, in essence the yin yang theory declares that light must become darkness, and that darkness will again become light. Weakness will be transformed into strength, which has to fade back into weakness. According to the yin and yang philosophy, even what is male will have to become female, which cannot escape reverting back to being male again. It should be remembered that this kind of thought process is to be mingled with the notion that while these recurrent transformations are happening, the two energies never cease to oppose each other.

Yang, because it is positive and is creation power, would be associated with God. Yin, on the other hand, because it is negative and the power to destroy, would be associated with Satan. Essentially, the theory amounts to affirming that God and Satan work together! But, God, the Son was sent to destroy the works of Satan (KJV, 1 John 3:8). Right here we see that not only is the yin and yang philosophy revealed as a falsehood when you compare it to the word of God, it fails if you simply apply it to everyday life. Again, the theory declares that what is of God will eventually be of Satan and vice versa. But, God said that there is no darkness in him (1 John 1:5). The Bible also says that there is no light (truth) in Satan (St. John 8:44). How then can such a twisted theory ever be in agreement with biblical scripture?

Living one's life by such a theory only clouds the mind, leading to disappointment and frustration, because the world simply does not revolve around these "energies". It may appear that the teachings of the proponents of yin and yang theory are valid, but a little investigation reveals that they are a lie.

Some Validity in the Yin and Yang Philosophy?

While it is certain that what is hot will ultimately cool down, and may be reheated again, it is not inevitable that this will occur. Boiling water can be frozen into ice cubes and then reheated to boil again; however, this will not happen all of the time. Infants are born in weakness, and if adequately nurtured, will grow up strong. As time passes, their strength will fade away as they enter old age, returning them to weakness again. Nevertheless, they will never return to strength in this present world. What they will return to is the dust from which they were made. Can it be said that any living creature, plant or animal, was created male, naturally changed into female, and naturally returned to being male again? Of course not.

Life and Death the Yin Yang Way

The theory of yin and yang proposes numerous declarations to explain and account for every occurrence in the universe, including birth and death. But, attempts to actually apply yin and yang theory to real life in a quest for enlightenment, fail miserably. These principles can be embraced only if they are reliable and applicable for all things at all times. The theory is said to provide answers to inquiries about life, death and the underworld. Consequently, there should be no tolerance for even the slightest error. We have just seen the exposure of serious errors. If the theory cannot be trusted in life, why should we trust it in death?

Infinity: The Two Energies Fail Again

The theory also teaches that infinity divides itself into yin and yang forces. The definition of infinity is boundlessness (The American Century Dictionary). Again, error could not loom any larger before our eyes. Those who have studied Mathematics know that numbers are either positive or negative. If two positive numbers are added together, the sum will always be positive. Likewise, if two negative numbers are added together, the only result that can ever be obtained is another negative number. The number 12 can only "turn" negative by adding a number equal to or greater than -13. But, +12 will not simply become negative some day as yang power departs from it and yin power takes over. There is no such thing as a circular life cycle in Mathematics.

There is a reason why numbers are represented on a number line. Numbers on the left side of the zero are negative and numbers on the right side of zero are positive. Numbers run infinitely to the right and never ever "change" into negative ones. Numbers increase infinitely to the left and never ever "turn" positive--because this is impossible.

Although the sum of one plus one will forever be two, Mathematics, as reliable as it is, provides no answers to the questions regarding life and death. How could yin and yang theory that cannot even stand up to the stability of Math, offer any real answers to the workings and mysteries of the universe?

Life and Death and Mystery

However, there is a source of heavenly wisdom that is available to all who will follow Him--the Son of God, who is God--Christ Jesus.

"...Unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks (Gentiles), Christ the power of God, and the WISDOM of God" (1 Corinthians 1:24).

The Third Man by Angela Sheffield Based on true events, The Third Man by Angela Sheffield, brings the Bible up close and personal as the characters face real issues of life: Betrayal, deceit, romance, bitterness, anger against God, hopelessness, will power, perplexity, triumph, unforgiveness, mental illness, and the "Alcohol made me do it" excuse. Read chapter one FREE now.

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