The Christian Bible On The Power of Metamorphosis (Shape Shifting)

What Is Metamorphosis, Also Known As Shape Shifting?
The mysterious power of metamorphosis is defined as a change of physical form, structure, or substance especially by supernatural means. It is a striking alteration in appearance and / or character. We can also refer to this as the power of shape shifting.
From Where Does the Power of Shape Shifting Come?
When we consider the transformation of an unattractive caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly, we know that the Creator of all things wove transmutation into its genetic code. However, such a mutation or transformation is not quite like possessing the power to shape shift. When we think of the power of shape shifting, we usually have in mind a being's ability to transform himself at will into another being, another form. Unlike the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly, this type of shape shifting is downright unsettling to many people. Why? Because the mysterious power of metamorphosis in the hands of an evil being translates into the ability to greatly deceive the physical senses to carry out a diabolical purpose.
Given that the Creator of all things visible and invisible, and natural and supernatural is the Author and Giver of the mysterious power of metamorphosis, does that mean there are spiritual beings who can shape shift? Yes, it does. God's Word, which is the Holy Bible, tells us so. And considering the accuracy of its scientific teachings and the precise fulfillment of its numerous prophecies, it is illogical to dismiss its revelations on the power of shape shifting.
Cases of Metamorphosis and Shape Shifting in the Christian Bible
There are many instances in which what we read in the scriptures of the Bible is an occurrence of metamorphosis or shape shifting. As we introduce you to these passages, take note of who and what the beings are who have this mysterious and supernatural power. You will see why such a God-given power is necessary. We'll also see how it's deadly when used outside of God's will. Although the Lord God is the Author of the mysterious power of metamorphosis, most people probably don't think of Him as ever having actually "shape shifted". But let's take a look at the passage of Genesis 18:1-3, which says:
"And the Lord appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre. And he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day. And he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood by him. And when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself toward the ground. And (he) said, My Lord, if now I have found favor in thy sight, pass not away, I pray thee, from thy servant. Let a little water, I pray thee, be fetched, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree. And I will fetch a morsel of bread, and comfort ye your hearts..."
We can be certain that the triune God took on the form of three mortals, because Abraham saw and talked directly to Him. Scripture even tells us that the Lord, having "shape shifted" into the form of three men, ate the food Abraham's wife prepared for them. Now then, the Bible tells us God is not a mortal. He's a Spirit (Numbers 23:19, St. John 4:24). We're also told that no mortal can look at the Lord's face with his natural eyes and live (Exodus 33:20-23). We know therefore that the triune God in the plains of Mamre did not manifest Himself to Abraham in His true glory. Had He not transformed Himself into the three men who looked like mortals, Abraham would not have been able to look at Him and live. And what about when the Holy Spirit appeared as a dove? The Holy Spirit is also known as the "seven spirits of God". In the book of Revelation, we learn that His "natural" form--at least the one revealed to us--is seven burning lamps of fire (Revelation 4:5).
But we read, "And the Holy Ghost descended in a BODILY shape like a dove upon him" (Luke 3:22). Remember the power of metamorphosis or shape shifting is the ability to change one's form. The seven burning lamps took on the physical form of a dove. Now then, there is one truth we must keep in mind when considering the times that the Lord took on a different form in scripture. That truth is that, unlike any other being, God is omnipresent. Therefore, His appearance as a dove, or as three mortals in the plains of Mamre, does not mean that His "natural" appearance in heaven changed at the time of His appearance as a dove or as three men. Remember that the Lord Jesus appeared as a man in Genesis 14:18. We see Him as King of Salem and Priest of the most high God. While in that form on earth, He was also in heaven. How do we know God is omnipresent?
Many scriptures tell us this truth. One in particular that comes to mind is Proverbs 15:3, which tells us the Lord's eyes are in every place beholding the good and the evil. That is nothing short of omnipresence. It is interesting to note that we actually find the word "transfigured" in biblical scripture.
We read, "Jesus taketh Peter, James and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart, and was TRANSFIGURED before them..."
(Matthew 17:1-2).
Do Angelic Beings Have the Power to Shape Shift?
Yes. We do believe the Bible tells us that both good and evil beings were given the power of metamorphosis. The scripture of Hebrews 13:2 says, "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." This verse reminds us that we can be in the presence, and interact with angelic beings without knowing it. That tells us those angels shape shifted into the form of a man. The "natural" appearance of an angel must be different from that of a mere mortal, because whenever they appear to people in their original form in scripture, they cause great fear. And let's remember that Satan, the prince of evil angels, has the power to change his appearance, which he does in order to deceive.
We read, "Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light" (2 Corinthians 11:14).
Again, we see the power to transform into something else. Some might argue that this verse simply means that Satan tries to pass his doctrines off as godly doctrines. No. That would only require the power of deception, not transformation. Note that he says Satan disguises HIMSELF. We're not saying he doesn't offer doctrines of devils. But this verse refers specifically to him changing his appearance and form to disguise himself. There is a difference. What is more is that the apostle Paul warns that even if an angel from heaven preaches a doctrine different from the doctrine of Christ, we are to know that
angel is diabolical, regardless of his appearance. And surely there have been appearances of beautiful beings in the sky claiming to bring messages from God.
Regarding angelic beings' power of metamorphosis, we do not find it absurd to consider that the sons of God mentioned in Genesis 6:2 are angelic beings. Some teach that they are angels who sinned by taking daughters of men (mortal women) as wives, and having children with them...children who became giants. It's understandable to want to reject such a horrific thought and possibility. However, remembering the biblical evidence of the power of angels, also called sons of God, to shape shift into mortal form, we do not automatically reject such a teaching. The Bible tells us for a fact that angels have the power of metamorphosis, and that they can specifically appear as mortals. This means they could have shape shifted into men, married mortal women, and fathered children with those women.
Are there any modern cases of strange beings appearing in someone's life? Yes, and it was later proven that those beings were not who they claimed to be. The good or the evil they did lets us know they were either sent by God to serve, or they were summoned. The Bible says holy angels are ministering spirits. That means that they serve. They do good. They are God's servants. And at times, they go to serve in the earth, sometimes having shape shifted into a man. We read, "Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?" (Hebrews 1:14)
The verse just above 14 lets us know that "they" refers to angels. Are there real life accounts of diabolical shape shifting? The One Step Beyond episode entitled, The Secret, is the true account of the tragic disappearance and probable death that followed the appearance of a being that had shape shifted into the appearance of a man. He passed himself off as a physician from the insane asylum in order to lead a woman away to an unknown place from which she never returned.
Transmutation and Transformation of the Inanimate
The God who is the Author of the power of metamorphosis as it pertains to a being shape shifting into another form, also possesses the power to transform inanimate objects. We clearly see this power when Jesus transforms water into wine (St. John 2:7- 9). We also see the power to transform inanimate objects in the account of Israel's exodus from Egypt in the book of Exodus, chapters seven through ten. We see Moses' staff turn into a serpent (Exodus 7:9). In this case we even see the inanimate transformed into an animal. We see the waters of the river Nile turned into blood (Exodus 7:14-17).
It's important to keep in mind that evil spirits also have limited power to affect form and appearance of matter, as well as the power of illusion. We read that pharaoh's sorcerers and magicians also turned their staffs into serpents. But note that Moses' serpent swallowed up the serpents of pharaoh's sorcerers and magicians. The mysterious power of metamorphosis is real. It might be frightening to learn that this awesome power, to a certain extent, is also in the hands of the demons and devils (evil angels) in the kingdom of darkness. However, let us not forget that God is pure light (1 John 1:5). And of what are we reminded about the darkness and the light?
"The light shineth in the darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not" (St. John 1:5).
"Comprehended it not" means it did not prevail against it.
Test your new knowledge of what the bible says about metamorphosis.
1. What is the definition of metamorphosis?
2. What are some synonyms of metamorphosis?
3. From where does the power of metamorphosis come?
4. Does Satan have the power of metamorphosis?
5. Name three accounts of metamorphosis in the Bible.
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