Truth really can be stranger than fiction.
First Page - Now launched! All the stories are true, or based on real events. Unlimited reading for $4.99 / month. No downloads. Read on your phone, tablet or computer.
La verdad puede ser más extraña que la ficción.
First Page - ¡Ya está en marcha! Todas las historias son verídicas, o están basadas en hechos reales. Lectura ilimitada por $4.99 / mes. No hay que descargar nada. Lea en su teléfono, tableta u ordenador.

Manna Minutes Podcast: Eye-opening Bible study in less than five minutes! Access all episodes here.
Manna Minutes en español:
Estudio bíblico que nos hace abrir los ojos en menos de cinco minutos! Acceda a todos los episodios aquí.
Manna Minutes Podcast auf Deutsch:
Augenöffnendes Bibelstudium in weniger als fünf Minuten! Alle Episoden finden Sie hier.
Was There A Curse On Helen's Romantic Life?
The Third Man by Angela Sheffield is based on a true story. Read chapter one now!
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¿Qué tiene que ver conmigo? por Teófila Gottfried
Lo que leemos en la Biblia tiene que ver con todos los seres humanos, sean cristianos o judíos, ateos o agnósticos, budistas, musulmanes o adherentes a alguna de las filosofías o nuevas religiones que surgen en el mundo. ¿Por qué? Ver mayor información sobre este interesante libro.
Scripture of The Day - St. John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Escritura del día - San Juan 14,6
Jesús le dijo: Yo soy el camino, y la verdad, y la vida; nadie viene al Padre, sino por mí.
Bibelstelle des Tages - Johannes 14,6
Jesus spricht zu ihm: Ich bin der Weg und die Wahrheit und das Leben; niemand kommt zum Vater, denn durch mich!
Christian Translations for Christian Authors

Truly Christian authors whose passion is to write for Christ, are becoming increasingly aware of the need to reach out to people in their own language. Spanish is widely spoken in the Americas and in Europe where speakers number into the billions. This means that Spanish English Christian translations are what is needed to share and market your work to the masses who otherwise will never come into contact with your book, website, tract, or whatever your project may be.
Talk Through Qualified Spanish English Christian Translators
The fact that you might not know the Spanish language certainly does not mean that you cannot minister to speakers of Spanish. Christian translations by HeavenlyManna.net are provided by highly experienced translators who are not only competent in translation, but who also have received Jesus as Lord and Savior. Our team of professionals even includes an ordained minister. Your work will be handled by real translators, not machines. What is more is that the members of the team represent native speakers of English and Spanish, the only language pair with which they work.
The more you do something the better you become. Spanish English translations are the specialty of the HeavenlyManna.net team! Understandably, a growing number of Christian authors do not want to trust the translation of their material to translators who might be hostile against the gospel of our Lord. You never have to worry about that with us. In fact, we invite you to read our statement of faith on this site as well as to take a look at the many pieces of content that we have published in both languages. Most of our articles, Bible studies, and pamphlets have been translated from English into Spanish by the team. We thank God for the growth we have experienced in visitorship through the arduous work that the team has done, and continues to do.
Approximately half of the visitors to our site are from Spanish-speaking nations or communities. In fact, some Christian authors have noted that the sale of their book in Spanish exceeded the sale of the same content in English. This is part of the reason why it is so important to realize the need for Spanish English Christian translations. The Spanish language is spoken in: Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, Costa Rica, Peru, Colombia, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Ecuador, Chile, Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela, and Spain. That is not to mention the millions who speak Spanish in the United States in Puerto Rico, Florida, New York, California, and now in many states where Spanish was hardly ever heard ten years ago.
When you contract services with us for Spanish English Christian translations, you can be assured of an accurate translation. Every translation is handled by two translators. The first translator does the translation, which is passed to the reviewer who also is a translator who sees the original version as well as the translation to ensure accuracy in the transmission of your messages.
Don't hesitate to contact us regarding your need for Christian translations whether your project is a small one, or you have multiple large projects. Simply use the contact form below to briefly tell us what your project is, how many words it contains (approximately), and what your deadline is. Someone from the translation team will get back to you very shortly. We strive to answer every inquiry within a few hours of receiving the request.
Based on true events, The Third Man by Angela Sheffield, brings the Bible up close and personal as the characters face real issues of life: Betrayal, deceit, romance, bitterness, anger against God, hopelessness, will power, perplexity, triumph, unforgiveness, mental illness, and the "Alcohol made me do it" excuse. Read chapter one FREE now.
Copyright notice: This website and its content is copyright of © Heavenly Manna (HeavenlyManna.net) 2002-2016.
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