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The Third Man by Angela Sheffield

Was There A Curse On Helen's Romantic Life?

The Third Man by Angela Sheffield is based on a true story. Read chapter one now!

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Teofila Gottfried book

¿Qué tiene que ver conmigo? por Teófila Gottfried

Lo que leemos en la Biblia tiene que ver con todos los seres humanos, sean cristianos o judíos, ateos o agnósticos, budistas, musulmanes o adherentes a alguna de las filosofías o nuevas religiones que surgen en el mundo. ¿Por qué? Ver mayor información sobre este interesante libro.

Scripture of The Day - St. John 14:6

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Escritura del día - San Juan 14,6

Jesús le dijo: Yo soy el camino, y la verdad, y la vida; nadie viene al Padre, sino por mí.

Bibelstelle des Tages - Johannes 14,6

Jesus spricht zu ihm: Ich bin der Weg und die Wahrheit und das Leben; niemand kommt zum Vater, denn durch mich!

traducciones inglés español

Stop Bullying: By Any Means Necessary?


Stop Bullying Me!

Thirteen year old, Tatianna's life suddenly changed for the worse when her family moved to a new neighborhood. Maybe, in time, Tatianna could have made new friends at Washington Middle School if it hadn't been for the bully twins, Paula and Paulette. They made life miserable for any new kids. As if that wasn't enough, when Michelle, a teenage witch offered Tatianna a way she could even the score with the twins, and stop bullying, she found that that brought even more trouble into her life—nightly spiritual attack. But never fear, Miss Veronica came to class one day with advice on how to be free of the spell Michelle and the other witches' coven members had put on her—that too proved to be a temporary solution. There was one way—and only one way Tatianna was going to be free from the nightly torture she endured. What was that way?

Part I

If It Seems to Good to Be True--It Probably Is

As evening approached, the young girl felt another panic attack coming on. If they came tonight, this would be the thirteen-year olds fourth night without much sleep. The creatures had come each night just as she was about to drift off. Always, there were four of them. One perched itself at the foot of her bed, one on each side of her bed, and the fourth one jumped on her chest. She could smell it's foul breath just before she started suffocating. Though she couldn't actually see a pillow, it was as though the creature had placed one over her face and was bearing down, taking her breath away. Tatianna tried desperately to push the pillow away from her face. She tried to move her head from side to side but it was no use. The force with which the creature bore down was too strong for her. Just as she started to lose consciousness, the pillow would lift and she could breath again, sucking in big gasps of air. But there was that foul odor of the creature's breath again. They all reminded Tatianna of the gremlins she had seen in a movie once. They were terrifying little hairy creatures with jagged teeth and green slanted eyes. Tatianna tried to scream once the pillow was lifted but it came down covering her face before she could make a sound.

Somehow, she survived the night and found herself facing another school day. Back at home at the end of the day with evening fast approaching, she walked to the window, pulled the white lace curtain back and looked out at the sky. With anxiety, she glanced at the wall clock. It was only 5:20 P.M. But in her home state of Minnesota, the winter season brought with it short days. It would soon be dark outside. Oh, if only she could go back in time to that day three weeks ago when Michelle had approached her. But there was no going back--no undoing what she had done. At the time, it seemed her only solution and she had jumped at the opportunity to get even with the two girls who bullied her daily. As she let go of the curtain and backed away from the window, her mind franticly searched for an answer to how she might rid herself of her nightly tormentors who would surely come again tonight.

Tatianna could now see Michelle's face in her mind. Her thick, wavy, elbow length red hair hanging loosely. And those green eyes showing through her designer glasses. But what she remembered most about Michelle was her deep burgundy colored lipstick, painted on full lips that spread into a big smile as she introduced herself. Tatianna had smiled broadly that day, bringing a hand to her mouth to cover her crooked teeth. She also remembered thinking that Michelle was awfully pretty; especially when compared to herself. She hated her short, grassy, dirty-looking blond hair. She was so desperate for a friend that day that she questioned, only for a brief moment, Michele's interest in making friends with her.

The family's move to the new neighborhood late in the school year made her the new kid. New kids at Washington Middle School received their share of bullying from the school's fearsome two: Paula and Paulette--twins. Not only did they bully new kids, they threatened anyone who dared be the new kid's friend. It had been a very lonely two months.

So, on the day that Tatianna had just endured another humiliation from the twins when they both bumped into her almost knocking her down, then yelling, "What's the matter? Those Dolly Parton boobs dragging you down?" They then laughed hysterically as they walked away. It was then that Michelle had walked up to Tatianna.

"Hi. My name is Michelle". Tatianna had seen the girl with her friends in the halls and on campus, but had never spoken to them. "What's your name?" Michelle asked as she slipped an arm around Tatianna's shoulder and escorted her into the building.

"I'm Tatianna."

Michelle then cast a scornful look in the direction of the twins who had moved on ahead of them. "I've been watching the way those two pick on you. I heard what they said to you just now."

Tatianna lowered her eyes, then raised them to look at Michelle. "I can't help the way I'm made. I tried being friends with them but ever since I came to this school a few weeks ago, they've teased me and threatened anybody who's tried to be my friend."

"No kiddin', you've only been at Washington for a few weeks?" Michelle said grinning broadly. "Me too." She then leaned in close to Tatianna's ear and whispered, "I know how you can get them back. I'll meet you after school if you want. And we can talk then, okay?" She bobbed her head up and down as she searched Tatianna's eyes, waiting for the girl's answer.

Tatianna, well aware of the reputation of Paula and Paulette, didn't want to make trouble. She just wanted them to leave her alone and stop threatening others who would be her friend. On the other hand, maybe Michelle had a plan that would work to get even with them. And isn't that what they deserved? It was about time somebody stood up to them. After all, she wasn't the only one they had made miserable.

"Alright. I'll meet you at that corner right after school." Tatianna pointed as she spoke.

"I'll be there," Michelle replied. "And I'll bring my friends, okay?"


As planned, the four girls met at the corner of Saxon and Girard Streets. Michelle introduced her friends. "Tatianna, this is Monique." She pointed to a short, slightly plump brunette who gave Tatianna a pursed smiled. Michelle then turned and pointed to a tall, rather skinny girl with long, black, stringy hair that reached almost to her waist. "And this is Teresa."

Tatianna nodded and gave Teresa a shy smile.

"Tatianna, we want to invite you to join our club. We all look out for each other." Michelle glanced at her friends as she spoke. There's a few more of us. And they all want to meet you too. So, how 'bout it? You wanna' join?

Tatianna couldn't believe it. Just like that, her life had turned around. She had gone from having no friends to a lot of them--and all at once.

With a big grin, Tatianna answered, "of course I wanna' join. What do I need to do?" Her brown eyes darted from Michelle to Monique to Teresa and back to Michelle. It felt unreal--in a good way.

"We meet every Wednesday after school. So tomorrow, can you come to my house. We meet in the garage. It's our club house."

"I have to ask my mom. But I know she'll say yes. She told me to just give it some time and I'd have friends. She'll be excited."

"Okay, it's settled then, Teresa said. She then wrote Michelle's address on a piece of paper and handed it to Tatianna who folded it and stuck it in her sock. The girls said their good-bye's and went their separate ways. Tatianna glanced back at her new friends with a smile. She then headed for home with a spring in her step.

Read Entire Story for $1.50

The entire story, Tatianna's Trouble, is availabe for download for $1.50. It is a .pdf file which can be opened on virtually any system, including mobile devices and e-readers. Heavenly Manna does not email files once they have been downloaded. If you are unsure how to download a file to the directory of your choice, please obtain the help of a friend. To purchase, simply click on the Add To Cart button. You do NOT need a PayPal account to purchase securely with your credit card. We are a PayPal verified seller.

The Third Man by Angela Sheffield Based on true events, The Third Man by Angela Sheffield, brings the Bible up close and personal as the characters face real issues of life: Betrayal, deceit, romance, bitterness, anger against God, hopelessness, will power, perplexity, triumph, unforgiveness, mental illness, and the "Alcohol made me do it" excuse. Read chapter one FREE now.

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