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Truth really can be stranger than fiction.

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La verdad puede ser más extraña que la ficción.

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Content In: Drabbles


Cornered By A German Shepherd

Do not dogs bark to let us know someone is there? But when they bark at a corner of the house...while in the house, who could possibly be there? An important question about the ability of animals to see spirits and ghosts is raised...and answered by a most reliable source. Read more


Close Encounters of the Invisible Kind

Very few church-going Christians--even those who attend church faithfully--have witnessed things like what happened during the worship service in this true drabble. Why? First, because it is now extremely rare to enjoy the kind of worship in the Spirit that was much more frequent a few decades ago, at least in the United States. Read more


Who Is Playing The Game?

It was a game for children. But where were the children? This true story is one of many that seem to answer in the affirmative the question of whether the afterlife is really beyond this earth. Read more


The Invisible Fire

Although Christ warned of the terrors of hellfire in the afterlife, it is fair to say that such a place is not easy to imagine. Most of us do not think about it on any regular basis. Some may doubt the existence of hell, especially since many near-death experiences have been described as pleasant. However, this true story is enough to make the hair of the average person stand on end. Read more


The Silent Rumble

Whether or not we believe that cats have nine lives does not change the fact that there is a reason cats are closely associated with witches, astral travel and magic...especially if the cat is black. This is an account of one of many real-life experiences that seem to confirm that there is indeed a mysterious power attached to the presence of cats. Read more


Is She Still With Us?

Our eyes can play tricks on us, and see things...and people who are not there. That is especially true if they are people we miss, or were part of our past. However, how do we explain seeing someone who is a complete stranger? A stranger who is no longer alive. Read more


The Writing On The Doll

We may not have heard of evil spirits attached to songs and music of certain artists, especially hard rock bands. But the girl in this true drabble was not listening to hard rock music when the strangest thing happened. Are there other seemingly harmless types of music of which we should be aware? We can ignore documentaries, but not real life experiences. Read more


The Silver Platter

We know the Bible reveals that only God is omnipresent. However, the events of this true drabble seem to indicate that perhaps it is possible for a man to be in more than one place at a time. is that what happened? Read more


The Snow That Fell

Do we run the risk of angering God if we do not respect His Word (the Bible)? Are there not millions of people who do not show the Lord the reverence due to Him? And, they continue to live peaceably. But there are also cases of disrespect for the Word of God that should make us reflect more deeply on our attitudes, especially when we read, The Snow That Fell. Read more


Goodbye and Welcome Back

Many have explained the mysterious facts surrounding the belief that cats have nine lives by recalling their great agility, which helps them escape from almost anywhere. But even the most agile feline cannot escape from the place from which the cat in this true drabble escapes. Read more

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